Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 10, 1903, p. 1 (2024)

j tt voiilmis xxix no ii uv iii it u acton ontario thursday morning dkkmiku l i1mw kjnoijk ooimkk- thriokjknts lc ciou jfrfc rtss ivkuy tiiultllday mohninu v hit- tin irlnunotllro ullio lituukt aotoront ruunvtuibjhirriijoitmiluluir ti- yc tulouyln all tulfiitlo -hii- lttul whil 111- till ff wilioll uiv ijv- lu daju ti4 rilrwl til- ilt t wlluii nttkrlituitu i- vm u ilimiuauu uia idjw auvmnatmu 1uvtliu fcalu- 10 uuu ir nthfullut fur nt li- msuon oanla f 11 i lo mall ulwunt ituartloa icta liiu lfcl i 1 v i i mjl h k loolii ztl i huuw i 1ja i po 1 tj ll5s i a i 8l wool jw advwuuuiauu teiuuut oltto dlollon mlllb lvtl ull rlll tud bhrad mnori- lnl tremunt kdrtuuiiu taunt b- fjd advwilmrmtlu villi 11 avlbdcb1 obm tlll tooolb lf d irj ktrf nhajiaa diimiw than komtmaathuia nimpwlllou tutut frajdro cbanbior kmiliuit bjlwtlntu tmat in tt dfflh i boon o yuwus aooonnt fsykbu tanoa lilly hittllli unl 3vtulirfimilnii u o tali uri i hul j urlv a oi will kwwlvi tor u lwu tuuerlfuburf kbj a irm u elih out le vrfliort ubuifsfi luitt doty ohnm macdonald mdcm j v uiufim m d c m oahall corr uul pnjruv ku4auti otfm hour to lflio 1 to pad uj tuvfbi j t 1ios gray m d c m- uccill i4ji 01 feinnuiu iiii x irriu uuuaii arociitittw km ofbe- vwulek rumi e d ault md c m luiar to dr uekhcuf om d vmb- loinimiy oecmiij y ul xhmurviwubht 0m hour- to 10 in 1 to 3 mil t lo aqt0 ont pvu duydum kvfcumtltoatamd uodll auuuii orric llouu- aa to 1 pm wij s u p l l nvk1tflbdbn m bkll ddb- lob diumby actiak qnifto t lluito ulo hi viwriwa jiihi tlrj uroomu viuy iukuwooj tt 11 t wuitla wj iulra ucoal a j uxottlnnon lukumh houoitob couvuvlmcmii orlctfuui ui la lului llj uiia- j monabn ryitk vouoi duulou cout cauuty of hl- ikzu attt y ac0n 0st ulsciellamxo vs w71 awi j hardy co amibtitikr comtbacioh ani nuws cqubisk1ni1ekt o iul slrefl london bc inuiid jl fit- of lltla llr cn l w ra of clioj y vljiwi to itaudoii to vuui j1 by whlojn to iouaou t will u fcwa iiwul d it a- p husband v s tifjuuouriivurluryoal1i k v4d kt- uul hr t aoioo if j1iian0ib nunan uookllikdeb tiualpu outailo btor l6muul hooks ot all kluj mrj lo miy iujljolylwti irt wcemuio ii r uaoim llvuomin towitujuix imu k1 rnuli lu tli x xjwf v olde- aotou w m nnybtiikkt lumwal auortamkkw w tb- oouuil ol wjhuu4i ud luluu mmurt t u- vun 1 orhm abwu oy htauimlu aolou will t lhowliuy t- loudad la t4um lujiilalu auo woiiy to loiu u ui uiol lmobu uuihrbj lb lol rut of tulrl lu kuuxuiuwuiil unwaidi t uuuhcuulliu ii o lt300 tll wullinqton mutual w luunancu company- vuubiubdj is4q- utd owt j ouklmi oht rshuluw0koc4jliil uulul imi any luttiaum rfulij will l rowihy tuuj u w ii duik atu youuil hi atloii alio tm i fr 1a unlou liibutinca o ul auvon machino and xlvxvyv sliw iiwnitvlluisdul i rroiulor l umwll wjulliuwl wi llurj lulllm hilu dti ttll 1 11w mv ndtmuuuuflliu lbdofml uwjuih or liiiltitt uf uv uij iuw tia luulol lijttlluj oilsmeltermines davidson carter markut 8cuartv cuolph ilkiiikhkntind douglas lucoy co n1cw yollk hlihllwylikm i iiiikiiiii llivliitiil wmhlhtl utll hliluitititl xiji0r writ fnr iwirlt ulilt day sells cheap ryriwimtin niiririin 1ion1 lalkltll cu iiitih and nori caiinon iaiu u11u10m1 all libl anil m all mucliln oirii lilt lnck fialufjcllon iiimrontccil iti tttery cum days book store ouguh merchants bank of canada capital ret s6ooocoo 2qoo000 acton branch a genliral banking business transacted lultreui hi mokt fivorablrt current rales allowed on savings bank axfounu loltora of orodit oyfulablo in all portii of tho world itauod ut thu offloa- spoctal alleniloj riven lo farmers bukllldu money orders vom amy uu w to jo iayubld at any banking point in cajiaja outsldo of the vulon territory raiy now bfl procure at ilia bank couiuer without any delay o put every friday evnliir from six to tlftht oclock a h dbvitt munmror acton- livery bus link yliauliifcrsuufcitaiktiullyhnolilia luiiroi of tlia pulillomil lurartiil linn thai wall kqulppd rud stylub nifl can iway bn bourd kt hlillii4 a ftatnfattblri iiuh uiaal l trltu blwu 10 hi mj bio p in crtu ktuuitloii kivvii tovryonlr ttie watildof iniiuirel trvl fuuytiit1 i0iin williams chinese lkundry in iaarn ilullditi willow street acton laundry caueclu and relurnej ramlly wahlnjg at reamnable ralc all woru donn by hand no machines or chemical uuki cuiuui fitlkv irol w barber bros paper makers georgetown ontario coloweo pkp6rs john r baruek the country gentleman the only agwicul1uuai ialer iidfclojlllftjiy tli lidding agrtculiurol journal of ilio world uvrv joiurliuwi j liy tloulul ilia liluliwl ulliorlluu in llialr rumcllvo hum fiooilur iiwr pro haul to cmmiiirj wltli it lu iiiallrtfl of alitor 11 hulf ulvd ui mloullul mw wltli d0r of onuijilauifcaj not vu ftittuiivtaj uy ollioiti itidihimiihililn to nil cmmliv jtm- ihiu who wluli to ui 14 wutt tin tlllllu kihxui ihilurniiiktitti to imihiih of lllljtlt ciiiim iirv mll m14 cuilhm ull u inllul tirp mi riuoi ii will v uy inlv luiuimiul 111 any wy in country llf la bmltur llini aililriijiiaimlilulicni liulhar tucker it son allumj nv ghrtelmag confectionary miss b millar mill 81 aoton lias madn jniiutulion fur a lji ira tirliliiia cuttill hull hunii n jlala til ilia cltalccul lirund chrltttmns frullo all iii tuaitin chrlulmut cukou a lull line til lliiuliuimt iltei anil lj limit tlio wi liabedi ilrate lttrtii lir tlnllliiaitcal4earl s aiuav knlti mi1s ii mlll da in l ers por hard colds bronchitis asthma and coughs of all kinds you cannot take any thing better chan aycrs cherry pectoral cherry pectoral ask youi own doctor if this is not so he uses it he understands whyit eooiiic and ficuln llli 1iii uou ar hr toi- rlll altu j ii ii hut i hi jul jli iuw for coiighs colds ins ono ot aywr piiu nt bei41iyi3 now in order and guciti- hi ilardwqn slora will carry nun linta ol hiwhu purcluied ipcl illy fir cnrlstmas bala buch an luifb carvir nil viuvviti iviipjns cu i linty nicklbuaili kmvks a bcibborb bica1es our piicei arf alwa rlu john m bond co quellli chamberlains remedies chamberlains couh homedy jor coiihs comfl croup ami wltoop- uik couyh iricc 35 eentfl iar tm 5c- chamberlains colic cholera and diarrhoea beraedy lorbowol complaint imce 35 wtik chamborlaias fdld balm an antiseptic liniment especially vain me for cntfl ilruitea sprainiiaiidklicuiia uaiii price 33 ctiiu larfjc tiz saceiiu chamberlains stomach ajqd hver tablets ior diorjtrn of uic stoinadi lvttr uld ilowela jrlce 25 cento every one ol these roparallona it kuaranlced and ii not tally aat- iolactory lo ha purchaser thu monev will b refunded sold hyat bkowin r w phiiiiilps flamber sieam and gab filler quebec tueet we quelpn plumbing and stjjamfitting in all tjieiit wnanchea a lull supply af tlin celebrated falrlianlt steam valvec ftlwav on bani home shoe pads ore a real necea- jty winter or burnmer they supply the give naiture intended on hnjd roads antj pavements protect the frog ot the hoof from stones and from billing in wint er improved dunlop idem horseshoe pads cure or prevent lamene prevent cracking or spreading 01 he hqbffl maka a hbrsed working life longer 1 ci i you have a hoioa tfomblud with lnrnh hobs thfouh bad hoofs wrlto our expert for ad loo yroo drop ur rtnt for our howikvvuoi lluruolojfy yui duulop y1u1 co llmllbd saw mills mkkmjjuvcyu lumbtir of ull klntlu at lowest mwrkut irlauti ji1h ututr nut to orur wooil ut hi is pur oortl- p sayers proorlotor asugawoyjt p o ijortry tllu hiddlb anhwuii oiirhotuil mhml n rldlli in v with tlui iiniioiliiiriilint tliut tlii holution nlwt in wi-ki- vnold 1m- ivn 11m ittoinlutl iinuor ih 11 h follotru uv iitiaui nou i ml ihiil nil tlllm hlr i i- ihoiiklh nt ir- to 1110- a wluili- kur lii wun hullt hy holy pjnn ijuiu iwiforo hurt wiw n 111101 iiii imuly itllhoiikh iiiltn roiihliti hud mltlic- mtuiu tint- nor ft and mrxmikliiu of a huuutii m a whiilo hnu nuii m i hid told now aiikih hh yon know i rvnd mn 00 rurth hixl th iorl thn itld 1 hi i uv ry lihd hnd unnl mid llli hhoiild iinxtvir to iii holy wluti and nil iwfnih k adtnii rinii and nt oncn rn h m il 1111 iii all rrrntnifit uliould tlui ijihih inuu lmp iti 4 wluilt jiunihsl iwck inui tho dti and imvir iiioin on vmf tirwiu mit hut trivrll4l hnind h u timihw ii diuth of cow would not u rluuu hoi hhi ol ilny an v uivii iltn h huht and if hdlh ii luitmmly von mf in m mtijit uw 11 liu iuh and tomui nvt rocked by n wll vf hi uoiilil not hul 11 tjiithly kihm now njwmklnu oc th wml thut rflimi and woitiiuiilti without pnli jvm tin- btlilmlulitor uioim did not old joniih nutu lot alii wltrll ut ltlt tl4 lot will cuut itld not old jonnh ulntid nu1uit and wiuinii mid uj nnd look iiuitu jijii down in tho utoimich of n ulmlr and tho iim hwl hud coiuniiftioii wlifii lit hrjiiiklit him hnck to turth aiihi and iiow im iid my hul1iik uih in not thn uuwwir a kwiii hlu whnh cliarlim m iliutli in k c juurnnl httttl xmnih tabuj a studv in values h jt u ihniiljoii muh ruclmid 1 v tin- lit i- iriliiniin mild jiir color coiuliik and k hip with uhy plciuiiirti in tin fnct thnt out of thn faculty nhnuhl ntop to cxprchit holiday wlnliru fur her no i nint o hoiiip kho hroku off middiiily llu- llnrnd or tin tjtlk lout hy hoth nvilfi- mid linthiitp tluy liml ixith tururd u untch thn klrl n hinlor who rniim i11u1 tho corridor tliroujih n door jimt imyond tlirni nnd uilkti nwny fiotn thimii down the twilltfht diuuilui it wuh miwi knnilc thn ii-cidi- iiinn iiiiinniiritl the hrnlor ujih one of tlunu- fills otluru nrv hunly to milnt wot i unlrhlntf nnd uvon the inifiuuin liml iiiuiiiinu of wondii injr whnt intlunncp had kf ninlu hor hhiitahc wnp mlui hiiil in indif- fcrciico whh tho tlit np thnt iniiifwwl one uiout ahont hnr mud iaclanl ami the krcuhiimn tiruiko with rebohttiun do you thlnl ii would 1h- anything out- of thn uny if i wnt n little rciiicinhrniirn ut mii11 kiarlu i hardly know hor ivnlly hut idio njmfilil u nic mid tjm little rrcrliiiiiili itotlwd hlimh- iuj tin 1mfuiimp in i led with lolor- nncc tvcognuing ths tj niitouiu of i wid rron of snnior udonitlou i should thinu mluii hunrli could im only lutuinsl and iihnwd hy nnch 11 proof of futraiii tlip yop think ingh tlianlc yoi tu hiucti 1 i wnuuul to feel mire ioodhy mlij packard i hovo you will haaafurrelly ilullrhtriil uhrut- lllail tliu uirccl vaii milled auly dn- pnlchcd to ijclla hcnrlo at her hoiui nnd wi many holiday dunrmnim cnint to tin kreuhinun that lin forgot her luttoiiug finni pa to iui iicrptloii the uuitlcr wail ivcalliwl to her otu day ulipn idie uiui chatting oer a collection of college photographa u11 had hroiight hiinio o iy lur nill- inn thin u ho lnrt vnv of he college imildinh mn whnr iin i nlaki thin u a tladillght wo did one night nt a fudgo party yen thow ni always funny here in ono klnlly tout or the chnpcl that hi mis kimle coining down the utepti hhcu my heulor hemle it i00u like- it in ulla hearh- do you know her well f oh no i dohl rriilly know hri lu that way i mean hiwn 11 heulor hut i minted hm a letter raue iile aiiutlcu only it wau moiv eliilwr- ate i do hope aim wui ll l von lutlnutl qopititng for ifilln kcarlot iiltf tvll uno of thn eouilnii curiously how did you danr it whh nil rlghd tin krenhuiau defendetl ita iilte the thing for little glftu to w en hanged in college ovcli intueeu mere acipinintaiirci luuldeu in this pnitlruhir iuibc ono of i he faculty approved i didnt menu that itwauonly the idea of you competing with hei painting klin han had lehiiomt in iiiiih whenovrir the family havn iwen ithrimd they nay hiio might io any thing at it if idin raivil hut hiio tlmi it only to plmue her father pvo nenii her plrtiuva nt thu alt tluh i think you uliould havn known that much if ou know luu well enough lo lu em hanging prominlh i havent talked iimch nhout hev to thu otlut glint i never unld i knew her well you didnt uiuhu- utmid the frebhiuiui hrokn olf lultjthly her heait wnu koie with inoitlllca- tlm what niiut the konlor lo thinking uf herl to what ildltule and eoutiiupl hail not hei picitunp- lion fniily fxiwi4il het ulln hiaile hud hijfu hie lite iim- fioin uh mning 111 full r guy ouog uople uiiillug 1 fuiill mutter of opnhig nheh uniil and pjoiug nlmiut lh lr not ml liiuli- rllo opnwl ini noli 4 m imiiloilly lr thou idtim in m- fanlillxr giooveh over and over ugwlti certnhi htitnex i h-nk-lv- to 1 r from u talk of hiinddx 11 yinr lufore onit iheiv had ihii no n llkn haiold tlieir had lueii 11 growing oiliugmmtofiitt- i have come to the oudnulmi that college life uuiii git irt tl in nil 1111u of wam fhlrt nty nuide i 1 lovd and loving when they k tocollre they cnit away tlicrhahiu of giiuiur nirhtloiithey letrniwl nt home mid if they rnnip- the ritl- neiii of k kirlrilnkhiiw they get to nu jug for only itndy ullilnttrrf fmhi they take up nftlllrul iew of lite they like to toe ihrort the lurgu aildleiii-e- they gel nt college ijiu han rultlvuteil the wu- ho long that it him reutw d to imi 11 pow it in her knond miliiro now khe hod noth ing woi th her nten t her lif ihtra not touch that of inferior morulu hl any piilnt iliti wau ilellghtful im- foro idie knew uut much lieforo ulm hint her ilithmdiiuimi i give you down with woinenh iolege tliule general ixutlo 11 u and iiiurow ohiervntlon illa thought with com iiiii nly a lmyh eniply ranting ifarold whu jimt two yearn older than huttail m hiip knew how uiuch letter a thing wap her nieiiiuj polw her lmhltof uneinotuinal judguumt tlmn the illogical luiduciplino life of lier giilhoiul nt home conie we havent ieen iellan thlngii 1 cried 01m of the ay roiulna leading thu way ncrouj thn room ihii lndilferntly ohliging pprad out hnr glftn fur iimiwctlon whata invent hrooch i a jwifict dear lizanl with emeiald ryt 1 hoolh do i titogniw aunt murgxr- im helectiou oh who given yon thlugu like thin lelm hoinejme wnu holding np thn irvdi- inana lrttir raw italia muiit have nn admiiiug pupil laughed another li ay whof in miriam hlthe ijliiii iinur wan rending the card do i lnnu hei a ireidiinan prolwihly you never heanl 11111 mention her i knew thli eiy weaiilj i knew idle had a rru nil 011 inc the joung iople driftel nwny fnnn her iiniejiminidveneiji ncrtiwi the room th letter raue unit with them icthiu indifference ieemlug to give et in inn ion for ekerciilng that tunt of wll that how a no canity 111 inicli 11 gay circle kllghtly conventional in treatment idinutdnt you wiy thctui floweni art prolmhly iiyiu- imihc of what ilent make ruro whnt they an intended for ilnt iella suddenly clmrgeil nu lliu group ncatterlng it aa otto nitght a hock of oh irk 1 tin olvo urn my letter caw 1 i am nnhmuvd that i let you talo it into yoiu handn alnce it wenm you cant appreclatu it them an latch thing an lament affection uinl openhearlei giving of oni1 lhnt even if umie of uil ant 110 toiiger camhle of it and im glad to have hud nt trmt one prefix nt thnt i run ut nnie wiot not prompted hy a wnwi of muial ohligation the etle cate iunwil into lior handn one of tho luudicd group pnmiitly ftpoke for all with lu r ihy acknmvhtlgenieiit i am imrry truly iun it ceitninly wiumt very ntcn in nn we uiw talling without thhiliug lyiter nuutliei nlwi volcml a general unntitiient 111 baying hut it whh wotth it to have iwn uha ntlrred up for once tjiia u itlultawn again from the nlliuni hud forgotten the letter ciow again very ipilckly for harold had conn arroiiii tt tier with justhin old iiiuile for hei why in it ever plen- binv to you to male ua imuovo that welmveloht the ohlwlf the little kivilnnnu1 lulnil had latn neatly iut ul rtst hy alhw hejtrluu hnuiotin noto of tlmnku still whell hy clmnce ulin met tho mentor enily in thu next term an ai eiumilated wuv e of douht and idmmi- nwept over her it lift her ntiiiidljig awlwnnlly in an euiliananu- ment mi olnloui that miwt kearle raid follow lug 11 luuovolent impulw an you liuiiy wont yon come ti my room for a while r i hnvonothlng on thin hour once lu mim heulev room the fretdiinun iiiiitiuctmly to luvwlf iui to thu heuivfvmirul out tho ytory of nihuirutlou and igiun- mce and miui heatlo calteil all her tat t to the tank of iioothing hei jutit foi a moment you have loat ulglit havn you not of the fact that it lu only the nphit of the gilt that coipitnr my hrothur puhlluheil u little piece of inubln not long h and dedicated it ui hln teacher one of tho unit uitiulclaiih of tliu country i do not tippoiu the piece couluiieil with the uoik or thin arllau do you hut i uurfa- he wait glad my hiolher had i lioken him to give him hin luit yen agreed the lltlhi lrenhiuau not wholly lomfoitiil mm hcmle piiixllng over what to nay next hat atlll a moment the mint 11111 ovel her face in a hi ight wave and whe tliilled luynterounly waitl idle mild and went tlcrowi the rimiui toiler drvnlny tahle clout iiir imru khu ttauhiwl ufom the liiiuhiiinn a fplcndld ling wont on the linger that told lu own huuy hi how uuiitirull lit- it teilnlnly in i aliowr it t you llrub of iiuyotii lu the college iwcuuij- i mu going to tell you thatyvu hud a whinilii u ouiiuim i cant tell you alt ou would irke to know you can undt1ilaud there mv tumie thhigm wo may not tell an one oh i the fivdiiuaii hieathed hei eim flht oil ihoilhcin hire i itdngi tome alkut oddly wtnin- i tlmet ynu know a iiikid ehunie a trilling turn of evenly 1 imnge- -uy- ihing i mnlil you to likv thit if yon hnd not liapioid to eiil loe thegirtvjiihtanit wm and juut in thn way you did thin mi not hav eoine u in ihitfiii iivcr ilia little frehliiaii went away viy happy wmverlng imtmui nyiu- pathetic hinlh- and team tlmt had 110 rwimin for imiug lint en tun iiiiivmuni of her vhiiklrifili loart think 1lttahaht tlllnos thn wilirco of iikrvrrtlilrm or iliuigrrehhlrtlieha in hi the thought- life wo lead it n in thought thnt tho korlul climate in niade think plcukantly and you w iii act plea- hniitly nnd thin i trfinruidomdy vital for it wjyecu not only your own char acter hut til wo the cliituirur of tto who iirn nniiuid you and try not to i mi too chary in lient owing prnlne kupimwhi you try it for jiul nhout n mouth ui pralito tliimui round you lteujiu of coiotm with your own ramlly jut the llttl- h-1- of klml newi tho little wonln of prunm tlioy make the clinmlo nnd it in the clim ate in thn home thut inn km rvory menilhtror the fondly feel tlmt them in 110 pluce mi mwtt mm home llotrr miharailtr an iihuitituiludiml pinfcxjor wnu much anuoyihl hy the trouble ho ex- iwileucwl every morning in hunting for iiim clothea for hn nevor ciuild re- memur ulirro he hud put them the night ittfnro when he undrrbed ko he dovlbod the plan of writtujf down on a piece of puver where each article of clothing wax placed an he took it olf and thin titwhnt lie wrote coat on thlnl peg lefthand corner of riuuii wautcnat and troumira on clutir hy lud colur on doorhandle tie through key of divor vent on floor hy window ciltfii oil klinlm of hodntoad hhlrt 011 portmantenii wicka on gio hrncket imtota ouuidn dtwir pmfeiwor in lwil next mornluu thin plan ceciued to answer adnilrahly tin collected his gurineuu rupldly luit when he cama to the lmit item on the list he wnnt vr to the twd nnd to hin givnt dls go nt found t empty ahl he crlmt in luiwildernieiit now the pmfeimuir in hwt tliln plan in no good what hiuj11 i do now v if nome p4mipln were ua anxioim to punh their inuiinenn 1111 llioy nre to pimh their tongues or lcmmhln for a front kent in a political meeting they would ito lietteralde to pay their dehta juut i00l at thn front row who 11 any 110u4i preacher cornea to town or the orchea- tra chairs when a minna tlnnnl piny u u 011 nnd you will dud mont of the men who have to renew their notes two or til lint times in h kcsjiu have you ever kept tub on the npeaken at any public meeting when discmuhm in hiilcji on ipieittlouh of thu day p tho inun who ara everuuitlngly fui their feet pindiitig their viowii are not thow who know what they an talking almiit or who tiro ipinllilisl to voice pnhllc opinion aliniuit every con vention isutnlhtd hy the lilathnrfikltos who in occbrlims of thin ulml for an opportunity to excrclw their jawa or get thetr cheap idem into print ills- uiry in uuule hy men who work not with llieltf auoiitlnt hut their hrnhtu cominerclul auccesn lu won hy thom who uiiuif their htulnemi three hun- dtwl unil blxtyflre iluy in tho year tlio ina n who keep his mouth ahut may tteat a dliutd vantage now nnd tlieii tint lie geu then tlie lixanl ukoth hold with her hand yet ulin lu la kings palacea to the nmn who knows how to leep a ntcady jjtw and an active hruln thoru u alwayu a fu ture haler i ion foe tinner now it ctcaiiufd orv huchntiimt and to tlitnv it all cftiin out of a clear aky i nu aunt kiilher would uy a minute iwifon meg nnd kathle had iwen cnxily rhat- trilng tluiir armu around each other then came thu thllluler aliower that liadu fair to udtlle dnvij4nu a stoaily rain aunt lather huppened to iui in the other room nnd thin lu whnt fdin heard meg lugnn itu in wulmuir ittulurlhehridge wnlwui on thuhrtdge you intuin kathle interjioved hriukly uiidurthohrtdge onthehildge katliriue trnutly i gueaal know t my fathins a mlnuterl mogit merrlweathcr my fathers a luldgeinaker an i ruch know m theiv i thin watv uut milcli for meg for a moment hut ilht recovered pnsently dont can lt welwur umler- tlielnidge my hmtheru in college and i gueuu hu knowiil lili i u i had a brother i gueui luid know enough to know itn weli- stiroiitlioliridger tnint t tin loo i l iciithline tiundj 1 dont uposo my muttieid want me ui play wltli such a nlguoiamuul hereiiyourcoral lingl jlcruiiyouni tlieexchnuge was madn utitlly hoth little gii in held their lieadi very high and looked dtgnilledly houtile the itttlunil tipntu in their nmud chneku ihrkirtiul ttiulr bright eyes unappud walt r iviltit lather uilliil juit au tlmy wem partlngjtorflver hha took them lutch by the band and i11i them into tlui lihrary up to tho dictionary ituud then idle poinul to tliu hlg tlthi wonl tlua in i d ge d nhe tolled dln- tim tly and btowly oli my t linvnthml meg luumlly wn didnt lkith of mi know i no wo didnt kuthle lulmltted and wlieu they went out again their ulnia weie cluuiud uud tlie tltllti coial ilngm had gmu vihltliig ukuiii amiln haiulltoii domtell lu tho hruttliiu uuaiillui iiiuutihulant a mldler dow u in te a j at htnmguudlmiiity fellow wiik a t lo tah r one day when the iiiiny wnn going 011 a long luati h a man olfeied him a drink of whiky i mil a le- touli wan the inply never uiiiid tliati youre in thj aiuiy now he idu yon need wuiie itlniulant to help you on thw long iniirch taking mil a pocket illlile lie held it up ixfoio tlie face of huicmpuriindid thin i all the hllmutanl 1 want wiwum cttrltiall adviwal auhvamtd au kiteiiia a mrvant who thlnku he in il in next ti tho prlnrljuil wlio cant ipo hlu note without asking the liook- keewr h in a good tiling to have employee take an lntitvl in the con cern but it innliad tiling to have thrtn glvooulmldei 1 tin- idea hint they mc the whole thing home lr thco iino- gaiit underntlapp4iu mi worn- to dnl with tliaii the urn i pnddinrhcndd prllirijwil dont hand over your hm-i- mnu u your eniployeeu until you nie lli a hixfoot hole people like to u- you alkut and feel ttiat yoin hand lu on tlui tiller even if you dont mnouit to au nihcli uti you might km outage your stnlt to take rexpniniihllity but keep their wlngn dipped dont let them hy away with you and your hiihlnenu wluit you conulder nniait- nen in an muutnitt or clerl may ui- jvear to other 1111 fienlineiui fur thno things tlm earth in dlmpileted and for four which it cannot luiir for n mcrvitut when he reigneth and a fool when he is tilled with meat for nn odiniih woman when she in ninrrled and an handmaid that in heir to tier m lut linker a confectioner a tlfcapeotablk aharciiiut ill cvntrul park the other day i waa looking at a wuutifiil lowering ahrtih indixil ko luxuriant wnu it that it nimhi ipilu a tne covered w itb charming liloajtonih willie i looked a welulnwud nice- looking man mccoinpjiuleil by a hand somely gowned wotnnli drew tipui the tnwi nnd uuwejl to admin it- afui a moment the man stepped ovoi to the ttvo nnd hroke off a hi nnch of tdou- koms nnd liaiubsl them to tlie lady hn was a inrtooling while haired man nnd he did it very gallantly khe took the lloweni rather deprecat- ingly i thought and ilicard her nay you ought not u hrenk tin juitk ruks hin reply was onn hrauch will make no difference i slttillwl along 1uu- them think ing nhout the philomiphy wrapjud up in hie little iiceiie when hearing a boyish nhout ivchind i turned mid looked luick tlie otd mana deed was iiheady laarlng fruit a group of laiyu liad lieen playing linlt near tin downing tree and hnd never thought of invnk- igg branches from it until they uiw tho old gentlniiuuu exnmpli hut he wnu not onn hundred yartlu awa tie- foro half n doxtui lutyn were nt tlie little tree breaking down lira lichen on every aldu until in live minuuu it was n ruined and ugly wreck i walked along thinking to myielf thatthiu in the way nnnrcliinu nru uiude ueupecuible welltind uoplu bnak tliu law when it plcauea tluin in jittle things nnd forget the nmltrrfhi thnt looking on break the law wlimi it pleaiui them until the land 1 1 hlled with lnwlrsiiiieiiu nnd riot itev imui allkerthauu id in th cliriiliio indcavor world cm cash han but tied many a inunn angers jueitfohpuk tlie sixyearold daughter of a cer tain navul ofllcei mu iiucomiclomily ludicroua the other tiny thu child wuu turning when her older ultter ankod why dont you uro n wt- utii tito llttlo miiia replliil with a dignity greater than her knowledge i dont need a palteru i iew by tit tti nay a the lending citizen iniiiiiiig lu-fon- a large tree ineloned in a fnucy iron rniliug in 0110 of our little towns most trtjuitttid tand- tuarku indeed naked the foreign unltor was it pi mi tod liy one of your pronlilentfl or is it wlirre your motw lynched thetr it ttniii cincin nati coinuienialtrihunn therus a ntiaiige man nt hie ihxi sir announced the new tervmit from houton whnt doeu he want r uuk- thu in outer of thn houie impjitlently ihggiug your ianhni uh replied the iervmit 11 uhade of iiiuappnimil mmiifeiit in bin voice lie want 1 a liutk hut what helii nskiug for lu muiie- thitlgtocat nella jnnt crnsy ovel mhnlex- uaii ho hell hei intent in be whervdtihe meet liiui ilitlndelphla ihilhliu j01i1 lut zele that he lould toy lindui water two m hint en did jouh win ynpl wllere 1 lie uowf under tlmr et -ihiladel- phta hecont ynu nw in my jmmv ir mtld mi cpjoliu utilyly then 1 mu ilttlng 111 tlieuent of the ucoruful ivplled die utiauger gettiugout id it with alac rity and taking u heat tin thcr liucl in tliedninli dont you wish ou all had mi nutninnhllr uuid miun miami hnnmi o i dunno auuweied mi iiuhiu imnkly a mule doeul cut neiu 10 111u1 h uiotiiiy an itu pm ty near in ian genmn lxchatige did the dm tor mioinl in lining your hmdiuud of iumiiuuiii t yen hut the dh tm hill u111 o e x ceiit ue that my hunluind 1 aiiuot id ep now for uonyltig over linw he iw to pay it liiuaiiilolih newn lvife tly healthy people have pun rih blood hokrsnapatilla pun- hen and eiuh hen the blood mid umku iveojile liealtliy only a ihintixh omk a piihi 1 lib hmti tipn oiic 1111r nunlil o long d ad ii and fiom a pot mid liohry ig ii alb the woi dn of mid gr no pilnler he hut hue h line lie h ii the tale that olorgivr in ciovih pde and iiuiiteoi old ihmhi 11 u u tut id will himh mid ui1elui rloup in hnid so we may hi e willi palinl loll whlli otlum uhnp he uiiilei the ii u hat uwurd rcwi ami knlghli in minor ride mid hght fm hul m inily and i hit tlgtit noplaji hi- hut hy tlie magii of his handn the mi lain iheniu all land- and acloi for a eiunn 1 iii their few lulif i101111 up 11 the stage ho wit lutyee only a pi inter t din iniikh- trailo hulli iilleaitirumenelj iminro nn laid helimviu hin likudx and lot the woi id with know bulge in uiow 1 and hy tlio niiiic of hin art the fiilmeu cut taiuu ill awn upjtit ko we may 11 e only a primer hlu magic ukll iiirven em thn uweeteul uuiry welt of how on calvmyu cruel tree tlie hav lor dlt d to make men fnw a piojdiet he im by liiu mt ho uiakeu tlio liook wheiein the wearv mail umy look and looking me tlie proinlwi hhutt ofhnine and love and endhx kteinity will m maupin in inlund printer nt iltiltism looic cutlet ho the doctor brought you n little rifder the othi r night vh tuininy yen i ruciji it wan tho doctor floim il anyway i heanl him tellhi pa ionie tiiiieago ad if pa did not pay hi old bill hed make trouble for tliu- new litanatuna tlie silver poppy liy arthur htrillgei i one of tlie latent works oil llrtinri wbldi in given a very popular place in ciineiit american literature the inttrwhirtory chnpumi though noiiuwhit ovenliawn nitpeal ktroiigly u the reader and cnato a aest for tho uairntive co well told in tho later pa gen the evidunt purpoiio of tho author hi primarily to llhuttrutn hter- nry conditioiii in new york and then to prove bow a peniou ulin oat imper ceptibly ma fall into great orror as a reiutlt of tut nitig uiide from the path of nllitude in very trivial matters at the thginnmg tlui ii mr htringeru flint hnigntoty mil the unique tnnt- nuntof the vatioiui rhnrnctom intni- duced mmiiie the hope in the reader of thiu claiei of liletatuie that the further votliinen fioin tlin f 11 lie ph will b roithioming william hrlggn puli- llrdier toronto price slil to inii t the demand for a good hi itm y of methodist mlhhlunary wink in wel clilna anil to niipph iiifii motion for tliu miiwlou- ary ihograiiimen announced in regular icpivorth league topic cardn for lotll tlie cot w ord moreiueut mhulnuary texthook no 2 ban imcu pulilulim it in entitled the henrtnf 81 ctiunil and coiitniui over jk1 uiges liohldfui itinv than auiini of illuiitratlonu in cluding the piitureu of all our miudotl- nrliui in went cliinu a vulualilu ap pendix nlfeii hlntii and helps for tho une of the book mid tho formation of httidy clili- the hunrt or r- liunu ciintainu much in lu renting iurirmutiou and uliould have a ptuct hi every metluullnt home hinulay hchool and kpuorth langun library it in nilily luiuud in cloth nl and gold piucsiu a nociiil tulitlou in pnicr for ipnoitli ingue workers will lie uold a 1 long an tt losta for h5o mm copy onler immediately fnmi f c htephetimil methodint mualnn hoiuin toronto tiiio cost op a boy i read the other day that it coat nuuily a ttiomand poiiudu ui bring up a ioudon boy and educate and drcu him well i uaiii to inywlf that is luaaiua everj thing in thn city has to lw luaiglit and living is high hut i luguu to iitudy the thing nnd i found thai even a country ltoy cosla hm pal cots a goiul deal when 011 count what a i my rata and what he ucnri mid thu uchnol- liookhhemust tiave tlie doctom blu thit have to bo paid when be gets tho ineiudeu or llie tcartet fever he will tout hin folk at home ift leant a hun dred dollum a yvir if a luiy is given to hieaking thing 1 kicking the tmw out of bin boohi and no on hu coats mniv than that no when i am twen tyone ami old etimikh to do for my- uelf 1 hull have coil father more than two ihoiimiud dollum mutt 1 ciuiked my food nnd iiwuln iny 1 lotheu mil patched them wiuiluul and ironed tot me took cam ot ma when i iinsii little fellow and whiii- evei i wm iick mid tdin never clmrgcwl mi thing foi that if uhe wem dead aiidfatlui badtopa fur nil that it would cil another huudivd dollars j 1 iir nioie nnd thnt two thousand dolbitn woilh f woik inothor will hate done foi uie l the time i am a tom tlniiitimt dollar for a imy i what do jou think of unit tin ie 111 e hind uiuei when par- entu put fom thouind dollaifi lnu a boy wtiit have they a right ui expect from him i b it fair tor iv luiy to play i i unlit nt iihoil u it fair for him to play hall go nuiuimtiig or bang mound town all the time when limy- be hi f it in i polutocu am not dug 1101 the wood li night in rr his luolbel i- it fail for him to dig- uiwint tin in by ivvai ing mid drink- ingi i- il fan to fuiget bin pjimitts when he bit lefl boine mid lieghutdl even lo will them telleni i iinieuibei a bright young man 111 ing some of mu pumuta havn put ahont all the pinity thuy have inloiin lnvi ami giilu if wo make whiikey danlerf d oiuuiieu they will he pi iuhd but if wo uuiku itood itieii mid niibi initial men anil women thiv will feet a if they had good lv hn hilnidii u up lhi wluii me mm woith to om- pmllnl t liihlinu friend fe4


Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 10, 1903, p. 1 (2024)
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Name: Van Hayes

Birthday: 1994-06-07

Address: 2004 Kling Rapid, New Destiny, MT 64658-2367

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Job: National Farming Director

Hobby: Reading, Polo, Genealogy, amateur radio, Scouting, Stand-up comedy, Cryptography

Introduction: My name is Van Hayes, I am a thankful, friendly, smiling, calm, powerful, fine, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.