Non-commercial export of dogs, cats and ferrets to the European Union (2024)

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Please note changes

Please note that the animal health certificate for pets (dogs, cats and ferrets) travelling to the European Union (EU) has changed. These changes are effective December 1, 2019 and apply to pets travelling for non-commercial purposes. Any certificates signed by an official CFIA veterinarian dated November 30, 2019 or before will be accepted by the EU until December 31, 2019.

The changes are:

  • References to applicable EU Regulations have been updated.

General information

The animal health requirements applicable to the non-commercial movement of dogs, cats and ferrets exported to the European Union (EU) Member States are laid down in the EU regulations.

What qualifies as a non-commercial movement

The EU regulations stipulate that dogs, cats and ferrets are considered pets, and the non-commercial certificate is to be used, if the following conditions are met:

  1. they are accompanying their owners or an authorised person responsible for such animals on behalf of the owner during their movement. By "accompanying" the EU has clarified that the animal's movement is as a result of the owner's movement to the EU, even if these movements are separate from one another either:
    1. spatially (i.e. the animal travels as cargo on the same flight as the owner), or
    2. in time up to five days earlier or five days later than the movement of the owner (i.e. the animal travels at a different time from the owner, for example with the assistance of a family friend or relative, or by a carrier company specializing in pet transport);

      The EU regulations require that documentary evidence (in the form of a boarding pass or flight ticket) be presented to support the claim that the movement of the animal is the result of the movement of the owner.

  2. they are not intended to be sold or transferred to another owner;
  3. the owner or natural person designated by the owner must declare the conditions (found in a) and b) above), in the appropriate section of the certificate; and
  4. the number of dogs, cats and ferrets which may accompany the owner or an authorised person during a single non-commercial movement either:
    1. shall not exceed five (5), or
    2. may exceed five if the following conditions are fulfilled:
      1. the non-commercial movement is for the purpose of participating in competitions, exhibitions or sporting eventsor in training for such events; and
      2. the owner or the authorised person submits written evidence that the pet animals are registered either to attend an event referred to in point 1, or with an association organising such event; and
      3. the pet animals are more than six (6) months old.

If any of these conditions are not met, the commercial certificate should be used. Animals travelling to exhibitions and fairs would be considered a "non-commercial movement" as long as they are not for sale on-site.

Certification requirements

Note 1: Step-by-step instructions on filling out the new veterinary health certificates are available. Once completed by your veterinarian, the certificate must be endorsed by a veterinarian of the Canadian Food Inspection Agency. Please contact your local Animal Health Office to schedule an appointment for endorsem*nt, or to ask any remaining questions you may have. A checklist is available to ensure you have the required document and details needed to qualify your pet for movement to the EU.

Note 2: The instructions below are for all EU Member States.

Note 3: The veterinary health certificate for dogs, cats and ferrets entering the EU in non-commercial movements of five or fewer animals is available in several languages. The certificate must be completed in English and the official language of the Member State of the first point of entry into the EU. (e.g., if a pet destined for Poland arrives via an airport in Germany, the English/German certificate should be used.). View the list of EU Member States, including their respective official languages.

Note 4: Every attempt has been made to ensure that the information on this site is up-to-date; however, countries can change their import requirements without notifying the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA). It is strongly recommended that you contact the embassy or official veterinary authorities in the country of destination to confirm that there are no changes, additional requirements, or prohibitions related to certain breeds of dogs or cats. Information about the Movement of Pets (Dogs, Cats and Ferrets) – Non-Commercial Movement From Third Countries is also available on the European Union website.

Pet identification

Identification is mandatory for all Member States. Before any other procedure is carried out (e.g. rabies vaccination), your pet must be identified with a microchip (or transponder) or a clearly readable tattoo. A tattoo is not accepted in the Republic of Ireland or Malta. Please note that if a tattoo is used, it must have been applied before July 3, 2011.

The microchip should comply with the ISO standard 11784. If it does not, the owner is responsible for providing a suitable microchip reader. For easy reference, the National Companion Animal Coalition has listed companies that manufacture ISO-compatible microchips. If the microchip is not ISO-compliant and the owner cannot provide a suitable microchip reader, the EU encourages the owner to contact the officials at the EU Port of Entry to inquire if they have a reader capable of reading other microchips. It is understood that some readers are able to read both ISO and non-ISO microchip but there is no guarantee that the point of entry will be equipped with such reader.

Vaccination against rabies

Rabies vaccination is required for entry of pet animals to all EU countries. Please note that according to EU regulations, a rabies vaccination is not considered valid unless the animal was properly identified at the time it was vaccinated. The microchip or tattoo number must also appear on the rabies vaccination certificate in order for it to be considered valid.

The animal must have been vaccinated against rabies with an approved inactivated vaccine or a recombinant vaccine administered by an authorized veterinarian. According to EU regulations, a primary vaccination is considered valid if the vaccine is administered according to the manufacturer's protocol and at least 21 days have elapsed between the date of administration of the vaccine and the arrival of the animal in Europe. In the case of a primary vaccination, the validity date as recorded on the health certificate should be 21 days after the vaccination. A revaccination (booster) administered during the period of validity of the previous vaccination is valid on the day it is administered, and the date can be recorded as such on the export certificate.

A revaccination (booster) administered during the period of validity of the previous vaccination is valid on the day it is administered.

However, if a revaccination is not carried out within the period of validity of the previous vaccination, or if the previous vaccine was administered before official identification, this revaccination will be considered a primary vaccination and may require a booster within one year.

Furthermore, if for any reason an animal has been re-microchipped, this most recent identification will be considered the "official identification" and a revaccination for rabies must follow. This would then fall under the EU's definition of a primary vaccination and a resulting 21-day wait period would be required.

Some member States may allow entry of animals less than 12 weeks of age which have not received an anti-rabies vaccination or between the age of 12 and 16 weeks old that have received a rabies vaccination but do not yet meet the validity requirements (21 days). In all cases, this authorisation can only be granted if one of the following conditions are met:

  1. the owner or authorised person provides a signed declaration that, from birth until the time of the non-commercial movement, the pet animal has had no contact with wild animals of species susceptible to rabies; or
  2. the pet animals are accompanied by their mother, on whom they still depend, and from the identification document accompanying their mother it can be established that, before their birth, the mother received an anti-rabies vaccination which complies with the EU requirements.

It is the owner's responsibility to obtain the information from the Member State of destination and to show evidence of the lesser/different requirements to the CFIA endorsing veterinarian.

If the movement of the animal involves transit to another Member State before arrival in the Member State of destination, both countries must authorise this type of movement. The EU has provided a listing of National Rules Applying to Entry of Pet Dogs, Cats and Ferrets of Less Than 3 Months (Non-Vaccinated Against Rabies).

Echinococcus treatment

Dogs travelling to Finland, Malta, the Republic of Ireland, and the United Kingdom require treatment for echinococcus within a period of not more than 120 hours and not less than 24 hours before the time of scheduled entry of the dogs into the EU.

Dogs must be treated against Echinococcus multilocularis using an approved/licensed veterinary product whose active ingredient is Praziquantel, or an equivalent product (an equivalent product is a product authorized in Canada that bears a label claim against Echinococcus multilocularis). A qualified vet must carry out the treatment and record it in the Veterinary Certificate. You must not administer the treatment yourself. Ensure that the veterinarian rescans the microchip to confirm that the number is correct and that the chip is readable.

Contrary to previous requirements (prior to February 29, 2012), this treatment must be administered before the certificate is presented to the CFIA District Veterinarian for endorsem*nt.

Additional specific country requirements

It is important to note that at any moment, any country can request that additional requirements be met. It is the exporter's responsibility to verify the import requirements in place in the country of destination.

Malta requires a Pre-Notification Form for Arrival or Transit of Live Animals to be submitted for all animals before they travel. This authorization must be obtained by the exporter from the Maltese authority and has to accompany the animal upon arrival, in addition to the health certificate.

Actions in case of non-compliance following arrival in the EU

The EU Regulations state that when an inspection conducted upon arrival reveals that a pet animal does not comply with the established conditions, the decision can be made to:

  1. return the pet animal to its country of dispatch; or
  2. isolate the pet animal under official control for the time necessary for it to comply with the conditions; or
  3. as a last resort where the return is not possible or isolation not practical, put the pet animal down.

The measures in case of non-compliance are applied at the expense of the owner and without the possibility of any financial compensation for the owner or the authorised person.

For EU animals returning

Please note that only an authorised EU veterinarian can enter information into the EU pet passport. All tests and vaccinations are to be completed before the animal leaves the EU. If a pet animal stays in Canada (or another third country) longer than the validity of the anti-rabies vaccination, a veterinary certificate must be completed with the passport serving as supporting documentation.

Completion of the veterinary certificate

Please refer to the detailed instructions for the completion of the certificate by a licensed veterinarian. After completion, it must be endorsed by a CFIA Veterinarian (local Animal Health Office).

When presenting the certificate for endorsem*nt to a CFIA Veterinarian please take all the supporting documentation along with you: original or certified copy of rabies vaccine certificate, documentary evidence of travel, etc. (A certified copy of a rabies certificate is a photocopy of the original rabies certificate that is authenticated by an original signature of a veterinarian.)

The certificates required are available in the following languages and are available from your local District Office

  • Bulgarian - PDF (255 kb)
  • Croatian - PDF (207 kb)
  • Czech - PDF (175 kb)
  • Danish - PDF (71 kb)
  • Dutch - PDF (72 kb)
  • English - PDF (47 kb)
  • Estonian - PDF (70 kb)
  • French - PDF (73 kb)
  • German - PDF (73 kb)
  • Greek - PDF (296 kb)
  • Hungarian - PDF (215 kb)
  • Italian - PDF (104 kb)
  • Latvian - PDF (261 kb)
  • Lithuanian - PDF (179 kb)
  • Polish - PDF (182 kb)
  • Portuguese - PDF (72 kb)
  • Romanian - PDF (258 kb)
  • Slovakian - PDF (176 kb)
  • Slovenian - PDF (165 kb)
  • Spanish - PDF (74 kb)
  • Swedish - PDF (71 kb)

Please note that Finland and Malta accept the English only certificate.

Once all the above steps have been successfully completed, and the certificate has been signed by your veterinarian, you may take it to your local CFIA Animal Health office to obtain an official endorsem*nt by a CFIA veterinarian.

Non-commercial export of dogs, cats and ferrets to the European Union (2024)


Non-commercial export of dogs, cats and ferrets to the European Union? ›

The purpose of the EU Pet Passport is to simplify travel between EU Member States, but the EU has also allowed it to be used for pets returning to the EU from other countries as long as it is a non-commercial movement (i.e., no more than 5 animals, the animals are not changing ownership or intended for resale, and the ...

Which non commercial health certificate endorsem*nt must happen within 10 days of your pet's arrival in the EU? ›

"Non-Commercial" health certificate: The endorsem*nt must happen within 10 days of your pet's arrival in the EU. "Commercial" health certificate: The endorsem*nt can happen any time within the 48 hours after the Accredited Veterinarian issues the certificate.

Are ferrets legal in Europe? ›

European Union – As of July 2004, dogs, cats and ferrets can travel freely within the European Union under the pet passport scheme. To cross a border within the EU, ferrets require at minimum an EU PETS passport and an identification microchip (though some countries will accept a tattoo instead).

How do I transport my cat from the U.S. to Europe? ›

If you are travelling from a non-EU country or territory, your pet must have an EU animal health certificate issued by an official State vet in the country of departure not more than 10 days before your pet arrives in the EU.

Can a U.S. citizen get a EU pet passport? ›

EU Pet Passports allow pet owners - both EU citizens and non EU citizens - to easily travel with their pet between EU member states and return to the EU from a non-EU country. Anyone can get an EU Pet Passport, but the document can only be obtained from an EU veterinarian.

How long does it take to get an international health certificate for pets? ›

For California pet owners, the completed health certificate must be submitted by mail to the USDA office in Sacramento, CA. Processing time usually takes 1 - 3 business days, Once the certificate is finalized, you can either pick it up in person or it can be mailed to your address overnight.

What documents does a dog need to travel internationally? ›

Please include the following in your package:
  • International Health Certificate.
  • Vaccination certificates (if vaccinations are required by the destination country)
  • Test results for laboratory tests (if tests are required by the destination country)
  • Import Permit (if a permit is required by the destination country)

Can you keep ferrets as pets in Germany? ›

Only cats, dogs, ferrets, rabbits, guinea pigs and other rodents, horses, turtles or tortoises (if not belonging to a rare species), ornamental fish, parrots, parakeets, carrier pigeons and other kinds of birds are approved as pets by the German Customs Office (Zollamt).

Why can't you have a ferret as a pet? ›

There are many reasons argued for why ferrets are banned. These include concerns about biting, aggression, and how they tend to colonize if they run away, which ends up threatening native wildlife. They are known to be incredibly high maintenance pets. Having a ferret as a pet can essentially be like having a toddler.

Can ferrets travel internationally? ›

If you plan to travel with your pet ferret, be sure its vaccinations are up to date. Island nations, in particular, have specific requirements about rabies vaccinations. Check those regulations before vaccinating your ferret so that you are sure your veterinarian is vaccinating your pet within the specified time frame.

How hard is it to move to Europe with a dog? ›

Most European countries currently accept AVID-9 and AVID-10 in addition to ISO. The microchip must be implanted before the rabies vaccine is administered. All pets must have an original Rabies Certificate signed by the vet. The Rabies vaccine must be at least 21 days old at the time of the final health exam.

How much does it cost to fly a dog to Europe? ›

Total Cost ($335–$1,000)

The total cost of flying with your dog internationally will usually run between $335 and $1,000, depending on the airline and the destination. This cost includes everything that you need to fly with your dog, including the trip fee, the health certificate, and the proper crate.

How to bring a cat to the EU? ›

Arriving to the EU

If you're travelling with a cat, you'll need to enter the EU through a designated Traveller's Point of Entry. You will need to present proof of: your cat's microchip. their rabies vaccination.

How much does a pet passport cost us? ›

How Much Does a US Pet Passport Cost?
Number of Lab TestsFee
7 or more$173

Can I move to Italy with my cat? ›

The pet must travel with its owner or the owner's representative to Italy, and must not be intended for resale or transfer of ownership. The pet must be examined and the health certificated issued (completed and signed) by a USDA Accredited Veterinarian within 48 hours before leaving the United States.

What airline allows dogs in the cabin? ›

Many airlines allow pets to fly in the cabin as a carry-on, so long as they stay inside a carrier that's small enough to fit under the seat in front of you for the duration of the flight. Southwest, Alaska, United, American, Delta, Hawaiian, Spirit, and Frontier are some of the airlines that allow pets as carry-ons.

How do I get an EU health certificate for my dog? ›

The EU has two versions of the pet health certificate: the "non-commercial" and the "commercial." Both health certificate versions require an Accredited Veterinarian to issue (complete, sign, and date) the health certificate and then USDA to endorse (countersign and emboss/stamp) the health certificate before your ...

Is a non commercial health certificate valid for 30 days after the accredited veterinarian issues it? ›

The "non-commercial" health certificate is valid for 30 days after the Accredited Veterinarian issues it. The USDA must endorse the completed health certificate within ten days of arriving in the EU.

How do I get a pet health certificate in the USA? ›

Health certificates are issued (completed, signed, and dated) by veterinarians who examine your pet and perform (or verify) all required testing, vaccinations, or treatments. If your destination country needs USDA APHIS to endorse the health certificate, then your pet's veterinarian must be USDA-Accredited.

What are the requirements for an airline approved pet carrier? ›

There are no laws dictating the type of carrier to use, but remember that it must be small enough to fit under a standard airplane seat and should generally not exceed 45 linear inches (length + width + height), or roughly 21.5 by 15.5 by 9 inches. Depending on the airline, carrier size limits may be even smaller.

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Author: Rueben Jacobs

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Name: Rueben Jacobs

Birthday: 1999-03-14

Address: 951 Caterina Walk, Schambergerside, CA 67667-0896

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Job: Internal Education Planner

Hobby: Candle making, Cabaret, Poi, Gambling, Rock climbing, Wood carving, Computer programming

Introduction: My name is Rueben Jacobs, I am a cooperative, beautiful, kind, comfortable, glamorous, open, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.