Teen Mom 's Maci Reveals How She and Ryan Learned to Co-Parent (2024)

Originally appeared on E! Online

Seems that Maci Bookout McKinney and former fiancé Ryan Edwards are teeing off a whole new chapter.

And even she never imagined she'd be discussing husband Taylor McKinney's recent golf day with Ryan and their 15-year-old son Bentley on the season two premiere of Teen Mom: The Next Chapter May 30.

"Especially the last five years, I would have thought you lost your mind," she admitted in an exclusive interview with E! News. "Like, you're living in la-la land, it's never going to happen."

But somewhere between Maci and Taylor's on-air 2021 showdown with Ryan's parents Jen Edwards and Larry Edwards and the start of filming last fall, they found a way to navigate themselves out of the rough.

"All of us involved have done a whole lot of work," noted Maci, 32, also mom to Jayde, 9, and Maverick, 8, with Taylor. "We have just honestly worked on ourselves. So, naturally, it's all coming together."

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Having been inspired to put in the work after Bentley expressed last year how much it affected him that his mom and dad couldn't get along, they've all managed to stay on that metaphorical green.

In the past, a simple miscommunication could easily devolve into a blowup. Now, Maci explained, "If one of us has a question, we are not afraid to call each other and the other pick up the phone. It's like, 'What do you want to do about that? How do you want to handle this?' The communication is just so much more respectful. And I would say it's just easier."

Teen Mom 's Maci Reveals How She and Ryan Learned to Co-Parent (1)

Even more crucially, it's taking place between the former high school sweethearts themselves.

"As the season goes on, I feel like you kind of see those, those transitions happening," said Maci, who used to communicate largely with Ryan's parents. "It's definitely going to be new. I feel like everyone will actually get to see something they've never seen before when it comes to co-parenting with Ryan."

She's certainly thrilled to see her high schooler bond with his dad. And with everyone committed to playing nice, the whole crew—including Ryan's girlfriend Amanda Conner—can gather for holiday celebrations like their Easter Sunday hang.

But what makes The Expired Podcast host feel truly blessed is seeing how Ryan's showing up for himself.

Though Maci noted "his relationships with everyone" have improved, she added, "I think most important is his relationship with himself. I feel like he's done the work, is still doing the work. And it's really cool to see. I'm really proud of them. And I feel like the viewers this season, especially later in the season, will finally get to have the chance to get to know Ryan."

She, meanwhile, is focused on discovering new facets about her husband of seven years.

Despite three kids at home with their requisite practices, games and other commitments, she and Taylor have efforted to make date nights a priority.

Attending counseling sessions on Teen Mom: Family Reunion "helped us make the shift into like, 'OK, now we do need to prioritize more time together without the kids and without talking about the kids,'" Maci explained. "At the same time, we're still parents of three kids and life is life. But we're better at prioritizing time. For sure."

Which means when they noticed it's been a minute since Mom and Dad had some time to themselves, they put it on the calendar regardless of how jam-packed their car pooling schedule looks. "We're like, 'Let's set something for this week,'" Maci said. "Whereas in the past we wouldn't even think about it. So, it's definitely gotten better."

And they're not the only Teen Mom pairing enjoying a bit of a renaissance. Check out where the rest of the cast stands with their partners.

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Teen Mom 's Maci Reveals How She and Ryan Learned to Co-Parent (2024)
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