The Salt Lake Tribune from Salt Lake City, Utah (2024)

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The Salt Lake Tribunei

Salt Lake City, Utah

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UP AND DOWN THE STREET The Silt TAlk0 Tribfine Wednesday Nonilaer 10 1951 25 I The Salt TAlk0 Trihtine Wedneday NoTriber 10 1951 1 UP AND DONVIN1 THE STREET 1 1 tOR EX VIIPLE Vitro AcquIres Intereqs Competitive U-Ore 3htrket A lig I A golf II vr62 (tNt11) EXAM111J: I14Arroivonliiroloka401p1Putomom '77- Still More Discover les 1 ar A--- --4 71P "iv '440 Aill 7 1 i iou nun More 4 I DiSCON et es 1 tr04np-'1! 1 A''' I 4)( 4 '44' ') '-1ft-4- ---''t Could slu*t Many Mines t' -i i4'" is 4 ''Ar'3' 3 474 -t'' 4t i sr 1' 4 --1 IN t110t" t40akti 0-: 011 At' 14f 3'''' 4st wh" 4434 3 3 i'll'Ialtat 1 '6" I Ak A I ow 4 -kg f-s-g'1'43'' 3- I -14" k''''''-' 7 7i '4 1r It 4 4 la 4 k'i tk'" "44 It ii-f i 4" 11 '4' 0 -i 1 It '''''r f' 1 tO t6' 4 1 IC it '4'4- '4 4411 I 04 Rel)orted on Gas I i 40 I 01 -0-2- 4- 4 a i e1 A 114'4 '''rr-le 0--'1( 4 kw 11 fp 4 44 4 4 -0 By Robert W-Bernick if A )--1 o- Tribune Business Editor 'A ii': --t'-o' i4 At 7t it i 67:: "A 't' 4 4 01-- 411 tt 7: i 16 4 s'k 4 4-4 6- -t' 4) i' t3 13 6 4' 4 4 IlL Ig 'r Pe' 01 7 I 14t: tv -i 1 yew 1 3 i-v--4-! 4- 4 f- --rt--t tgiT7-4'4 'le Sao 01 teftts i' yee 'r 1 0 )o- 1 ib) -4' t' 114''07 --14111i' 4g-4 t- Another oil find and an apparentsommerical gas discovery 0wkosnAsA fn IF announced for Zit 4 le P- 414 4 '4 do 4-0 4 tot P4114' a AN'or'TrselaSt4 4' 411S 0 ge 1 4 4 4 'once 1he uranium Industry Pas'(s )(yotid what may still he cnItert the trial and error sl ago It outtm(ling ura 5141m geologit said doubt if anYllody could give Canada a run Un ere the Bet Cullom I li a ii (se market it i brit she Amid he the orld's nn itti)er one Ip-'L' 1' i' i kt ii 4 ri 4 4 4 N-41s v4k 444- Art 4 1 40 o' 4 1' 44 r71 -r-4 were Utah Tuesday by major company operators- r--7-14 I Continental Oil Co reported recovery of up to 4 million it 1k'': 1 cc cubic tat' feet elolsf No natural a u2r avli least 61 no miles testing a sett south of Vernal in liintah County roocl and ts Lt--'4''''''4'-'4' it :4 ---ok' I Delhi Oil Corp reported primindicatea" hoJor toJialk 0t -40 lohT i 4 By thcShift 110s Some uraniumprotirucers as-sued! of big ore resere's are clamoring for a "competitive' market free of gm eminent price control A report from Canada gi es food for thought THE JouRNAL OF COMreporting the Canadian uramum situation monis (rot that most LS operations ate small compared with the maim' dominion nUnes Example: No Of the Algoma mines ore resenes valued at more than 285 -mIlhon dols Each is s( hcduled to tn I I 2500 tops a day hy 1956 Viewirta Ihis picture and others the repot concludes: commercial discovery of 40 degree gravity low 4Vitro Corporation of Amer iea- oldeSilcontinuingompany in atomic iTiergy has mitered the uranium mining field lie cording to It Hall Salt Lake City general of 111)- 100' sidiary Vitro Iramunt lit40 The company ha acquired with Pittsburgh-Rochester Coal 1 "IL' Interests in 57 uraniuni ZIA claims in the Gas Hills area of Fremont tounty 1Vio Forty tons of ore ill he shipped shortly from the property ad --jcil-ning the Lucky 'A-1Strike 4 the firm's reduction mill at Salt Lake City ti When 'derelopMent it war- rants Pittsburgh Rochester will -moire- in to handle open pit mining of the uranium ore pour point oil nine miles north of Moab rlranci Cmintv ill' it I I Grand County at Its Government No Salt -7" 1 '14 '0- Sibki'' -1 -4 40- 44 $oftf4---4--4? 4- a it ii 1 44 Li I (S- II 2 tl'117 its: 4r 4v 04t41 ir! I lore'llegio Addition A401111Ukt 141 4111i IP it No' Valley well being drilled in search of potash' N44) reserves A Akt 1 -t 4 2 '-''-'41" I to 1 ''-'41r 4 Both announcements followed on heels of fi --24044 A discovery Monday of what may be a 1500- v0i 1" cA barrel-a-day well 15 miles southeast of Bluff mot gt1411- 3 Mr Bernick San Juan Count Utah by Shell Oil Cd and 10 Jr 1 4 4 an apparent find by Carter Oil Co of oil in duch*esne County Vt 4 at the Bluebell Unit No 2 wildcat 12 miles northeast of 0 st- tm Roosevelt This makes four discoveries of oil andor gas in Utah re- 1I A ported in 48 hours A new boom in prospecting for ketroleuml '(0 a 41 is on the way in the Intermountain West 1 i A tg zIkAt'i P' A4 A 1 7- Z4ii ci 4110) "gt 4 f4 i 7' 4' 04-4' 1 11 4 jettot: Ao work dr QM- -0' 1 -1 1 Ss Aeo -1 4'''-' Ihat tout Mark 'trim II()rne Furnish 2607 Sifith State St Mon day in uke groll la on a $50000 panion of quarters firm presiItnt Mai Itruwil notinced neW 5000 square tont corn cie block brick and addition is being built by celeq Butt gcneral contractor'" and lit tinti-e a new appliance division lim4furn1t Luse section and Warehouse ck and uilt by tractor pliance section 1 1 1 ME KM 6 -ton7 '3 MO CANADIAN itandards even these ItS mines) are ex -tremely- small nrieratutrs- is not said in belittlement hut sidely to emphasize t4cdiffer- 'enee Canada' 'Will end tip With' ence Canada will end up with 1 417i 41 Vitro also has acquired inter from Walter Daye and Ilimard Davi Greenriver Fay rY ah Ip: 44 tclais On rim of the San Rifphifer THE VITRO MINING program is under direction of Jack 0 IlortonSalt Lake City 4ont-4 Delhi made its announcement via Dow Jones Service 111 1-- exclusive financial Wire of The 'Salt lake Tribune N4-! l' '4-11011 Itlia -4 ie ti- ir- production 'beenIndieat it ed in Grand Countn i- -qz- -7 4t -An' Utah six miles north of Moab with recovery of 1500 feet of '4 4' -T 40 degree gravity oil Delhi said Continental Oil Co's Salt Lake scouting district mean- i Shell Oil Co's discovery well in the Desert as a major Utah oil development with the while reported that Conoco had recovered up to 4 million I Creek structure In Sin Juan County Is hailed possibility it might make 1500 barrels daily 40 4 I ()CAL MINK a small gcoupofNerytiii4-towTh -0 11 tRINGs nage operations perhaps no Nov 9 1994 111(MT than a dozen any of Vraterria55 bank nobils 9 in 102108 00 WhICh Will he capable of operat- S9 me 51nY190 ve9t 16 725'611 On nday II elearitlitS 15060 705 54 Ang in a competit mnk ive rPt (11N var 10 n57101 10 02 nn 725611 on ()fig 7fli 54 6571q1 10 1 Markets in Brief NOTICE TO BIDDERS 1 New York Stock Market American Stock Exchange DOW-JONES AVERAGES TuISDAV'S QUOTATIONS ED Ni1V YORK Nov Storks Higher hear Bondi-101)(rd ra Cotton Lower hedming Furnished by A tiosle Co Member of Nev York Stock Fschanze Sales in 100s Close Chz hales in 100e Close Chi 1 Volume Industrials Rails No Nees Traded 12614 a 900000 370 54 124 19 Adt sores 502 AcmeWle 66' 60 i a Furekse 2 15'10V Noon 1 500000 370 64 12411 Declines 403 AmMarac 19 6's 6 Federl'e 3 341 1 pm 193004)0 370 69 12395 1 nchansed 266 AllaW1V 29 13s kis 9 412 I 2 pm 2730000 370 94 124 05 New Highs 130 Raldhee I 11 3 kb '4sitinesu 16 29 Totals 3240000 371 071 61 124 01 14 New Lows 0 HariumSt 1 4 6 44 iIdnMirli 2 21i Close Chg 2 15'10V 3 3411 9 412 2' 21'i O's cj a I UTAH STATI NO I flOn Ott co I A 3t 1 0 ANA 11A NIT COUNTY 1 a Lat hoopla 14 0 I Myles II I 0 CHAPITA WRIS lp 4 4 revwdortAt 0 0 ll non kgas PIRO 8 1 I MINIM tetiNtir 10 I Sales in 1001 364' 174 Ntlestlinit 310 3212 I Pacttett I12 104'4 kia I l'anlatill 211 PantuOil 8 4' 8 15 16 Shattuck 27 101s 9 8 1 16 ISherWms 1 1033i'y 790 5 4'41 2 16 52 14 348 7'sl' 19 R3 7 8 ino 1 3 le 4 71 1'41 Chicago' pickup In apor export trade with corn to 1111 foots lower 111975 Cattle-6liter about 'toady top CSIII pickup in kports rt trade corn tient lower 32 out steady top I Horh 110e Low -13kink11111 42 17 14 6oltifid 30 Ind 372113 52 37107161 40 Rondo 100 137 unch Calve0G 124 62 I 16 IleclaThn 20 Rills 12331 124 ni- 14 10 High Grade Rills 102 60-07 CanMarc 47 8441 1Humb011 15 Utils 6000 59 63 5096 10 10 2nd Grade Rails 100 1605 CreoleP 14 114 2'2 ImOil 65 Stocks 13604 13513 13593 32 10 Public Utils 100 42 05 CuhAtIS 111 9 I 11(1104er4ft 17327 48 10 1:1112 10030-05 DavMine 11 l'w 12 lin010111 Volume-30 Ind 254900 20 Rails 206600 15 1111s 40800: 85 Stocks 508300 DulabA 81 14141 14 MerrtlIP 1E1110VS 21 26 74 iMesabilr TEN 'LEADING STOCKS EA ultyC9 141 342i lIdlyhdrim i 111tS741 1 DowThnits Service 1 Chrysler 38800 677a Unc41111 -A Dow -Jones Service Chrysler 38800 67a L'ncligi 41 8441 'Hum' Oil 14 114 2'2 1901 IV 9 I 1 Kamert11 II' 1 til Kno111111 81 1412 I4 MernlIP 21 26 Mesabilr 141 342i 811811r 16 R9 ISonot088 34 39 St 28 Pi I Techt 111 4 19'1 ti TrCon1W 19 1' 12 t'sFolin -37 244- 12 USRati 58 41 i- 22 11-IdSgr I 250116124 12 19' -R9 Sumitomo :44 394 14 SW1'90 28 Pi I Technien 4 1912 iTeContW 19 'Po -'ii t'SF011B 37 244- t1191199 58 41 2ls Ut-IdSior 250116144 kloWebSoKn Volume Close Chid Bait Ohio 30500 30 li Total American stock sales Tueadav 900000 shares 1954 to date 122-11300 111 Eke Auto 74517 3714 12 11 steel 30-500 60'4 ta Total American bond sales Tuesday $130000 1954 to date 125130000 Central 39300 211 14 Burling Mills 29000 15ls 1 Panhandle 011 31700 Ste 14 'Raytheon 38800 15 14 Canad Pic 31100 28 14 I South Pac 28400 48 14 Unchg Salt Lake Stock I Sealed PI iPOnAis for he construction 9 (Ar)- of an Addition to the South Clearfield trading unutuallY 1 Element4" Schoni Clearfield l'tah liquidation and for the Board of Education Davi Dis SCht1 ti I hereinalVer called tho its blither Mill be rived in accordance with plans ilielatuiations and contract documents Mil) Ci prepared bv and MAI t'le obtained from Ashton Evans find -Brasier Architects Bids will be i received at the office of the Board of Education Room 209 Davis County Court Muse Farmington Utah until 1 Eight o'clock Mountain Standard top lime November 23 1954 and thew puhlicly opened and i bid received after closing time will be 9291 returned unopened i Minimum wage rates as approved 1)7 the Utah State industrial Commission and which aPpear on pages 2 3 4 and 4A of the specifications shall be adhered to as a conditton ot tine contract A certified check payable to the Owner in an amount not leas than 5 per cent of the Wien possible total for the bid submitted including the consideration of deductive alternates A-must accompany-seen bid ea- a guaram "Iles that if awarded the- contract the 7bid-der will promptly- enter Into- a -com--' Low Clone 1 tract and execute ouch bonds as may 151 153i be -required 190 2 01 1 'nil Owner reserves the riiht to 2 15 2 22 reject any or all bide and to Wailie 233 24j any or all formalities Plana and speed 'cations may be I examined without charge in the office Low Close of the Architects and may be procured 15800 from them at 24 South West Temple iTOES Salt Lake City Utah upbn a deposit High Low tiosn or 22000 iss a guarantee for the safe 393 return Of the plans and specifications 430 to the Architecti the full amount- of which will be repaid upon the return of plane and pecilleatiomi within five days after receipt of bids iukrtKrr John I Hess Clerk Board of Education 9 401 ut School District- were lower Tuesday POTATOES High Low Close 430 MARKET 9 (API---Wool were lower Toe atlas S'oaled ist runtion Iparf 1 'Utah Da Filled the ot dant (Oft by end Evans will be Boat of County all until Standard ind Moo will be roved by mmissinn 3 4 and shall be ot to the than 5 ibis total ding the Iternates amuse ract the to a eon as Mal riiht to to waive Itlay be he office procured Temple I deposit the safe iftrationa mount of le return thin five nation CILICAGO MERCANTILE EXCHANGE EGGS High Low Clog 2813 26 90 26 00 289 28 50 27 40 241 50 9741 2830 2725 38 30 372 3825 38 45 3825 384 ONIONS 1ERCANTILE ANGE iGS High Low Clo6e 26 00 26 00 26 00 2740 241 50 3740 2723 38 30 3720 2645 (WS I Allied Nov ')r flM 02141 024 TV 4111 Nov: 35 57 Jan 0212 03 Feb 112 IA 0514 0214 024 410 430 0414 35 32 0214 03 fly er egt 430 044 Nov 37 Jan 03 eh Prince Prosper 3 0341 034 0114 02 05 05 0714 00 12141 14 08 034 02 08 09 I4 Oro Pri High III I 51I 1 88 203 2 IR 224 Mar 238 245 BUTTER I Open High IN" High SM 203 224 245 TER Hign TUESDAY'S QUOTATIONS 7111111DAYS QUOTATIONS Sales in 1 I-Asti sh*t 'Sales in 100a 1 Last! Chs Sales In 100e 1 Last1 Chg I Bid I Asked I Bidi Asked ACEInd- 19 121Dresserin 571 34 Northrop 411 52441- 414 BisHill et 02121 03121- IndQueen 03 04 1 Admiral 30 44 27 t's DuPont 531454 OhloEd 36 14 04 1 441 Bonanza 0414 Kennebec A IrReclut 66' 29141 IThict1 45 32 Ohlo011 14 63 i BristSil 0612 074 Kytit*h 46- AllegLMI 15 37--1EastAirl 81 37123 01tverCia 66 1314 114 Bulhon OBI 09 Keystone 1914 43 AlliedC 7 9344 44 'Eastman 24 601 Va OtisEler 141 61141- Cardiff 60 -63 Lakeside 05 AlliedStr 201 50 1 1s 1EatonNlf 3 48121 1 Owen1110 9t: 9314 1 CentStd 03 03 Leonora 0212 03 AllisChal 42' 7211 4 rEleAutLi 684 371 12 1 71 45 1 ChicfCon 50 54 LMay 02 0241 58 3911 1 PacW011 23 32 ti Clayton 32 33 Madison 19 20 6 1212 1PAVVAir 121 1614 i- -1 Colorado 0112 02 0714 1Y74 201 14 1 paramri 29 3514 'i- 41 ColResall 10 12 51100il 21 14 33 121- Vs 5 8512 '4 19 20 Mammoth 26 27 II' 12'4 4 PerinitR 101 1714i- 14 1 Comet 05 06 MIMI 0114 02 114 21i4 4a 'Pepsi-Col 1661 1412- 14: ComLead 0214 03 t46016 024 531 131s Me 1Phelpsne 91! 461 14 ConEureka 65 AR 3 Mono-Kear 31 12 13 22 16 9411 CrEsOil 11 13 Mscow 011- 02 4 Vs 431 1014- Vs Phco 46i 37 1 Croft 14 15 34 331 14 PhilMor 511 3612-- iCrPoint 03 05 MtStates 084 10 10 97141- 44 PhillipsP 311' 611- 41 Dra 110n 166 160 Mt-VieW 01111 03 16 19 1- 44 PlyttOil 6' 2841 t's 1 ECrPt 02 03 Naildriver 19 23 29 46141 ProctritiCi 71 9314 I EastSid 01314 07 Nev-T ah 11 12 14 17 71123 PubSvCol 101 44 i 12 EUtah 264 27 New Park 20212 215 10 3012 Pullman 11 61 i EmpMinea 03141 0314 NewQ" '06 1 '09 11 MI 1 Vs PureOil 24' 62 1 14 EBulin 04121 0512 Nol4 63 1 65 041 0514 NorthStd 01121 02 52' 6644 34 RadinCp 1611 3014 Mille 1 Rimier 461 44u iier 241 54j- 1 lEuMinea 03 1 04 011Sec 0 1 32 1 34 Parkfiln i 03 04 0' 7714 1 RaythnM 231' 15 1 14 1 EuiMd 1212 168 92141 Remlind 1261 311 GoldCh 0114 02 PCCon 1912 26' 4612 iii RepAvn 561 40121- Grandllep 91 24441 RePhal 1311 se14 lei i GrWest 04 0 Pre 744 Nelson 0341 AN -371 39441 44 ReverCop 241 5812 1 IlornSil 0314 03 PKonold 03131 04 00 06 Pmier 031 0412 mg 49i6-4------1444 4 Rey7o141 714-28141-- 4t i 14owall -313 -31- 81 37121a 66 1374'- 14 1 t24 60141 49 1 OtisEler 14i 11341- 14 3 4814! 1 Owen1110 9 9314'f 684 3714 14 1 ParGAE 71 45 58 39tt 23 32 114 6 1714 1PAYVAir 121' 1614 14 201 14 1 BaramPi 29' 3514 4 at 33 17411- at 1 Penney 5' 8514 14 11 1214 44 Perin1111 101 1719i- 44 11! 211t 11a 186114144- 14 531 1314 14 1Phelt14176 91" 4634 :4 1 13 22 i 16 914i 43! 1011t 14 Phitro 46 37 I- 19 a4 331 12 P00MOr MI 3012-- 12 10 9714- 44 Phillit14P 311 61341- 741 18 19 I- Plytt881 6' 28141 at 29 46141! Proctr14 71 9379'4 I 17 7114 3- '14 PubSvCol 101 44 1 14 10 3011! Pullman 11 61341 11 56 1 14 Pure011 24 62 1 16 52 6634 34 RadloCu lull 36141 1161 4414 44 ilayonier 241 5414j- 1 ei 7734 1 RaythnM 2311 15 1 16 166 92141 RemHnd 1261 3141 26 4614 4 ItestAvn 561 40141- 91 246 34 ItepS11 1311 6614 111 -37 361- al ReverCop 24 5814 -163--1734-f-----14- He yl: obit 71-1-3844---lit Northrop 111 52441- Big Hill 0312- Ind Queen Oh MEd 361 44141 Bonanza 04 0434 Kennebec Oh lo011 14 6314 BriatSil 0612 0712 KyUtah OliverCa 116 11-1-4- 14 -Bulhon 0134 09 Keystone Otialev 14 611- 14 Cardiff 60 -63 Lakeside Owen1110 94 9314 1CentStd 0334 03 Leonora 711 45 1 I ChiefCon 50 I 54 1MaY Pae011 23 32 112 Clayton 32 I 33 MadiSOn PAWAif 121 1614- 14-1Colorado 0112 02 ParamPi 29 354 44 ColResall 10 I 12 MayOil Penney 51 8512- 14 19 20 Mammoth PednitR 101 1716i- 44 'Comet I 06 Admit' Pepsi-Col 186 1-4344-- ComLead 0234 03 4L616 PhelpaIng 91' 46: Is COnEureka 65 68 16 9i CrEgOil 13 1312 Mono-Hear 04114 1 Moscow Phiko 46 37 1- Croft 14 15 PhilMor 511 3612-- 12 iCrPoint 03 03 MtStates PhillipsP 311 611- 34- 1 DrallOn 166 160 MtView PlythOil 6' 28141 1 ECrPt 02 03 Nondriver 71 93364 14ii EastSid 0612 07 Islav-Tah PubSvCol 101 44 i 134 EUtah 2616 27 NewPark Pullman 111 61341 1 EnipMinsa 0314 1 0312 Pure011 241 62 14 Minn 04121 0512 Ncally HadinCp 1811 36141- '4 ELilly 0512 Northhtd lloyonier 241 54341- 1 lEuMines 03 1 04 011See RaythoM 2311 15 1 14 1 EtiStd 12121 14 ParkBing RemHod 1261 31141 GoldCh 0114 02 PCCon Rep8vn 561 40341- GrandDep 031 0366 PHonold itepStl 1311 6614 Vs GrWest 06 07 46 PNP11011 ReverCop 241 01114 1 liornSil 0534 0614 PPremier ReyTobit-- 711-38144--- 44 t-Howell ---311 '23 05 -08 33212 03 '1)2 '011141 074 33712 11 14 28 27 0112 92 02'41 O24 31 '13 0112 0212 0834 10 01121 -03 39 12 282 12 2 R5 06 i 09 83 I 65 01121 02 30 32 03 04 11)4 20 03141 04 03 I 04 0341 04t4 28 1 Open Jon Cross shows Continental gas Delhi reports oil find north discovery in Uintah wildcat of Moab Cross indicates well cubic feet of natural gas in testing the Chapita Wells wildcat between 5060 and 5115 feet in a sand section of the Wasatch formation TooIS were open three hours and 45 minutes Gas surfaced in 10 minutes and burned with a 100-ft yellow- flame at end of the: flow line -The -initial gauge -was-24-i -minim-cubit feet a day increasing to four million cubic -feet daily Two feet of water and 600 feet- of heavily gas-cut drilling mud was also recovered in the well only 40 to 50 miles northeast of the Peter's Point (Carbon County) gas field FLOW PRESSURE was 350 pounds per square inch while shut-in pressure was 2100 pounds Per square inch Cranmer president of' Oil Inc Salt Lake City confirmed his firm had a 20 per cent net carried working interest plus a 4 per cent over-riding royalty in the Chapita Wells Unit The wildcat located in Township 28 South and Range 23 East is undergoing further testing Delhi's potential oil producer is-located in the southwest quarter of the northwest quarter Section 18 Township 25 South and Range 21 East Delhi' said that two tests-of an---l'effectiven--25-ft-section the Paradox formation between 7600-7700 ft saw gas surface in four minutes (No gas gauge Was reported) The first test found 750 ft of oil standing in the drill pipe Second test saw oil rise 1500 feet in- the drill 'pipe The oil firm controlled by Clint Murchison Texas Oil czar is now drilling below 9000 feet aiming at any potential production in the Mississippian formation Rico-Art Royston 81ENesti SShield SitS131 Sioux SouthStd sundanc swamps 'ratite's Tuttle Ceti Tin Lead Tint teStd Trans-Un 11P8City5 I tahVon 11-1SstrCo: debt tl-WY0(141 VI rto rC Alloys WestTo1 Wilbert Mitten tVankCon ulna Tail tab) Tint leCes Tin Lead 'Finite Sid Trans-Ub iliahCon 11-ISgrCom demi' tT-W o0111 VI ctorCon WAIIOYS WesiToi Wilbert Rico Art Royston SKWestn SShield SitStd Sioux STRIos SouthStd Sundanee Swansea WOOL 011 08 12 78 77 05 0514 1 92Aa 310 0114 0214 2 0212 3 00 10 23 1078 23 30 0114 02 02 0212 04 08kt 03 04 28 27 01i21 0214 02 03 NEW YORK Nov end wool Outures I the market encountered Ram commission house liquidation and beditioS -Wool futures closed 17 to 30 cents lower nee 1425 bid March 1400 bid May 1301'Phay 1307 bid Oct 1350 Dec 1335 bkil March 1320 bid Certificated wool snot 1455 nominal Wool topa futures closed 20 to 24 cent lower Dec 1780 bid March (new) 1751 bid May 1730 July 1715 bid Oct 170 0 bid Certificated spot wool tops 1820 nominal Livestock Market I 1 SALES Cardiff 200 at 55e 2100 at 57c Clayton Silver 1500 at 32c Consolids Commontd Eureka 400 at 66c1 100 alth Lead 1000 at 216e at 65c Crescent Eagle Oil 2000 at Croft 12000 at 10e 1000 at 12c 1000 at 111e 1500 at 1314c 3500 at 14ci 3000 1412e Dragon 500 at 1157141 100-at $11160- East Utah 7500 at 24c 500 at 2414e 2700 at 2 500 at 26c 4300 at re 5500 at 28c 3000 at 2145c 500 at 2746e 500 at 1614e Eureka LillY Con 1000 at 434e ll Grand Deposit 3501 at 312e Howe 3000 at 30c Madison Mines 500 at 1912c Magnolia Uranium Oil 11000 at 7c Miners Gold 5000 at 244e Mono Kearsarge 3500 at lie Mt States Development 1300 at lie Mountain View 10000 at 1Mic New Park 100 at 1215 100 at1260 400 at -1128212 500 at 12110 500 at 12-8212 North Lill 500 at 63et 100 at 14e Oil Securities 500 at 31c Park Bingham 1000 at 312e Premier Oil as Mining 41000 at 2120 '-1Tintic -Standard 100 at 70cr 300- at 77e 1000 at 76e Yankee Con 5000 at 244e Trans Union Oil 2000 at 53444 CURB SALES 1 Bullion 1000 at 9c Consolidated Eureka 1400 at 65c Crescont Eagle 1000 it 13c Croft 1000 15e East Utah 500 at 2612e Nev-Tah 5500 at lie Quincy 2000 at 6e NOTICI OP DICLAIATIOPUOF DIVIDEND By MOUNTAIN FULL SUPPLY COMPANY 36 State St Salt Lake CIO 10 Utah Notice is hereby given that the Board of Directors of Mountain Fuel Supply Company a Utah corporation under date of November 1954 declared a quarterly dividend on its Capital Stock of twentslive cents (25c) per share payable on December 13 1954 to stockholders of record at the close of hilliness November 22 1954 OLP1N Secretary NOTICI OP HEARING BEFORE THE PUBLIC splivicr con MISSION OF UTAH in the Matter of the Application Of INTERMOUNTAN TARIFF BUREAU Inc and on behalf oft DELIVERY-SERVICE- TRANSFER-- Co for authority to publish a rule teoncernina refrigeration i Local Cartage Tariff No 3 PSC Utah No 14a-4ase No 4088 Notice is hereby given that the above entitled application Of Intermountain Tariff Bureau will be heard before the Public Service Commission of Utah at DC office 314 State Capitol Salt Lake City Utah 'on TuesclaY thik10th des of November 1954 conimencing at MOO o'clock am This is ad application by Intermoun (sin Tariff Bureau for and on behalf of Deliver Service Transfer Co re questing the Commission to authorize the publication of the following rule In Intermountain Tariff Bureau Local Cartage Tariff No PSC Utah No It REFRIGERATION During the menthe of May thrti October of each year when it be comes flier to furnish refrittera tine or the protection of shiPmenta of fresh meat in transit such re-- Digeration will be furnished by the Delivery Service Trinefar Co and charges will be assessed therefore on the basis of 120 of the revenue which would have accrued had ship 'tient not been accorded refrigeration The additional charge is to spot only on the weight- of that- portion ot the shipment requiring refrigeration By Order of the Commission Dated at Salt Lake City Utah this Slit day of October 1954 A YEAMANS 01131 Secretary KT con te Matter )UNTAN behalf 1ANSFER--- 1 a rule Cortege he above mountain elore the Utah at telt Lake leth dav it at 10t00 liSTITIOUno behalf co re authorize HMI rule au Local tit No It ay Miro ft be efrigera iipmento by the Co and efore on revenue ad ship reratirm PLY only ot the ion this Est ANC Store Sales Note Decline Dollar value of Salt Lake department store sales were down I per cent for the four weeks ended Oct 30 reports the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco The sales were down 6 per cent or the calendar year of 43 weeks to date AlumnCA Pi 14 ElPaaNG AmalSgr 1 257-11 Amerada 8 189 I EouitGas AmAirl 160: 17 se 1 Eriellit AmBi-S of 2' 99 I 1 Everahrts ABrdPr 74 20 Fair hkel14 AmC an 48 4314 Ile IchidEA An yin 8 4814 Li le Family In Amloen 38: 15141 FeddrsQu AmMetal 821 49 I FiltrolCV I Am Motes 49 1014 Firestone AmlieSS 111 22 14 FolanSt1 emSinelt 41 4014 i le Foidgich AmStini Illi 2714 le FreenStil 81173 1 11 FruehTr AmTob 411 59141- GenAmT AmVise 189 38 1 GenDyna AmWool 1071 211 2 Geniec AmZine Azmm Anscond 170 431 GenMotra 38) 181 114 GenFood occluSrCti 2831 ii 51 Ty 1 miy AsDryG 321 2157141 0s'''''- Atchison- 8 119' ar- AtIRef 48 3414- le Glidden AtlasCp 121 3914 IA Goodrich AtlimPdr 3 47111 22acieda8 AvcoMfg 1041 5 BaldLiim GrysnRb 27f GthlrOre 3291 30 do of 15 574 -4' GtNK 1 Bathlron 101 33611 Greyhnd GrmAire BeauntM 75 19144 114 oulfou BridsAvn 14i 86341- 44 5I 4811- 1" HerePdr Benguet 32 1411 ih BeydnCh BestFels 7' 42141- tiltonHtl BethSti 118' 87 i- )11 1 1 Bland Yu Ble-Ens 45' 281- li BlocksCh 15 312 ollyStIll 8 Vs Hmstke BoeingA 114 6 1 2 1- 12 Ilioushdr BOrden 12' 8744 "Vs itioew3d 1 BorgWar 18 1021414 1 BdentBr 8Z 33 4i 111Centrl si i imprcop Briggs611 110! 5814 Intlaken 251 28 411 IIMBus14 Flu Bucy-Eris 20' 38tim intlane ddCo 951 1141- 15 inthielrell Brigtnal 242 1514 1 IntSh fT 141 nr8 Burrghs 341 22 1- le ButteCe 151 9 1 CalPekg 7 31141 I ICrCoal ClIshanK 151 2 I- ti Johnaht CanDry 36 1264 vs JrmvesfALL CanPae 318 28 Vs 1 careaG5 5 5734 KanCity Case11 233 17 '44 Kennectt CteroUT 19 70740 1 Celanese 155 21741 KreasCo Celotes 43 25841 '14 Kroger CordPas 601 3314 114 Lehman Crtaintd 1451 23 LOFGlass 1121 34114- 14 LibMcN IOC 1414 le LiggaMt clopf 111 43 LionOil ChalloW 18 12 le Lckheed dont 8 27 Loews 81 80 1- 14 LoneSCm "1'1 4 16298 Lorillard CITFinep 201 4- e4 Lougihish CitSers 32 109 1 macergul Chrysler 318 8774 mio ClimaxM 92 5474 14 magnstop CluettP 10 354 Mgnavoit CocaColg 8 1127s 15 MartinG1- Colgate 14 5944 Ve meicsaaat 8 1574 -44 mtamik-v coloFair 17 Vs MidCntP ColBrdA 15 4' MinnHns' 1 olGas 80 15 wait om Crdit )8 48 5 6parg omSols 77 1874 omEdis 88 4314 MasionP onsCop 50 121 Monsanto 4 14 montpw onsEdis 40 441 ti Mont I' ontainr 13 52 Motorola roni84 41 tBak 14 2714 Murree ontCan 291 74 fistAviai tMot 51 10v4 Nattlinet Contr11 13 73 14 NICahlte CornPrd 18 It5 1 NatCLnip 1 CraneCo 45 35 4 tlatDairs7 CrownZei 24 584 SatDistill CrucibIS 42 291 14 NiGynem CudahyP 6 5 Nallpari CoroPrd NI 615 1 CreneCo 45 35 Crown Zet 24 584 CrucibIS 42 MO CudehyP 6 5 82 331 1 r0Ty-04 p- '1 5612 'longhair 25 28 1 0 201 304 us 'IntHare 951 1444- lotNiehist 242 15 1 24! 22 1 IntShoe 151 9141 21124 131LSL01 15! 2 1ohns141 36 12 J461116LL 318' 28 1 21712 KanCity5 235 17 kennactt 19 0'44 14 KreseeCo 14555 2251144 141 Kiirmossrare 60! 33 144 Lehman 1451 23 4 LOF(ilass 1121 34114-- 14 LibMeN 196 1414 L1 91 43 Lion011 18 12 L1 Lekheed 6 2748 Loews 0 80 1- LoneSCm 4'1656 Lorillard 141 45 1 32 10104- 1 maceky 318 8714 Mary 92 54 L4 maynyclis 111135127344 Msnavox 14 5034 sie 161 -Mismiess 39 17 15 4144 sitindnCHnttry 80 15 MenMym IN 48 p55 17 1814 55 4312 MssionCP 50 5212 Monsanto MontPue 45 414'" MontWrd 143 62 274 Motorola -141 7444 NatAviatl 14'44! 1(24 412 NstRiart 1' 174 1'-1444 i 14 NatCLnit NatDairsr 4' -11 NatDistill 42 25 NiGypam 6 5 Nail cad kluinoCA 36 B0141- 4 ElPasNG AmalSer 1' 251 1EmersnE Amerada 8 189 1- 1 EouitGas AmAiri 160 17141 1 ErieRR AmBi'S of 2' 99 I Eyershrp AmBrdPr 74 20 14 'Fairbks441 AmCan 481 4344 14 IchidEA VI 44 AmCyan 76: 48 Familyln 44 Amloco 361 151 FeddrsCits AmMetal 821 49 I 14 FiltrotCy AmMotrs 49' 1012 Firestone AmRASS 1291 2214 FolanSti 4 mSinelt 411 40441 FoOdM-cfs AmStini 161 2744 I 4 PreepStal AmTAT 61173 1 Ms FruehTr AmTob 411 5912- GenAmT AmVisc 1891 36 1 GenDyna AmWool 1071 21121 212 GenElec AmZ inc 30-1 26 iv GenFood Anacond 170 431 t's GenMotra Acmcosu eli 57341 1 GenPrec A rmourC 231111 c-1 Mt Genliefct AsDryG 321 2454 GenTAR -44 il twiln1- CAB Okehs Minot flight Frontier Airlines has received grant from the Civil Board to start service in Minot ND Jan 1 1955 16 39 IA RchfidOil 241 14 2211612 2 Royal!) 941 6734 i '4 52 9814! Vs Satrwal 20 44-- 14 37 39 1- Stloal 20! 38431 41 8 14 StHeals11 881 34121 14 141 2334 Schenley 41! 2134- 44 35 32441- 14 Searallb 111 75 I 611 12341 SharonS '34' 29 41 76 37141- She11011 41 57 2 30i 66441 44 Simmons 14 3814)- 2' 2714 14 Slnelair0 28 45491 11 9114 46 fike11y011 151- 451 116 1811634- 14 SoconyV 881 47 1 44 471 431 SoCalEd 141 45 14 1434 14 SouthCo 48 1714 It 2112 44 SouthPae 285 481 la 4634 SouthRy 45 65121 Ve 41! 314i SperryCp 48 39 I- 103' 14 StdBrds 16 27-1 641 521 44 StdGiliE 9 13i- 23 34 1 11 801011Cal 66 724 13 16 1- 44 StdOillnd iii 91141 34 I 32214 it!" 2 SWOON 71100141 201 361 1 StilOilOh 461 41441- 1 951 55 1 Stauffer 81 3714! 1 91 4414 14 SterlDrt 13 43121 IA 107 211 14 3024121- 10 171 Studhker 73i 111- 31 11512 Vs sunou 1 201 8434 ft 49 230 264 911 19411 19' 34'9 4 -9 Sunahaln 3) 10141- 14 191 69141 14 221 41 "4 771 934 114 SylvElPd -110 42 141 301 TennCp itt 7734 4 14 TexasCa 221 83 11 42 4479 TesGiff'd 171 85 114 TesGliSt 1211154 234 44 111 6914 TexUttl 161 15614 44 141 Ws Thernni 19 77-4 4 44 421 5941- 1 TWompPe 91 4544is Vs 25 43 14 idWAO 284! 261tr- 141 121 47141 TimkRB 26' 471 59 17ati- al Trantam 661 36 1 261 54 t' 114 TrnWAL 48! 2440 Vs 30 23141 TOCont 50- 23-141----- 4 21 69 14 20thCenP 1281 27144 43 16'14- 44 UnB1P 11 65 14 241 2616 44 linCerbld 75 79 15' 4834 'Vs UnOliCal 52 5034 44 4 23 UnPacifie 1214312r-12 86 26 drip 51 50 I 3634 UnTank 121 27141 14 17 311416- 44 linitAire 34 85 1 5 96341- 1149 UnitAirl 63 3214 A wpm sA U11013130 11 2114 -t 14 30 7314 I 114 UnitCn 29 0 VA 7 2312 Unitfrult ThI 51 8 32 14 UnitGaep 24 32 34 34 96 2 lintlitCM 4 1 3 36 44 vsmrs 101 TVA le 73 7174 USGyrem 212114 -'2t 22 4914 44 USRubhr 1011 3934 IN 29 USSmel2 151 52 Vs 6 38 1 USSUial 2481 610 241 dont 2 160 34 6 8714 114 litahP94 31 391- 44 22 2134 I4 Vanadm 321 34 18 3814 Walgrn 11 2514- 44 59 2034 4--96 Walwrth 23- 105-'471 1 NVenrBr 5' 19 I 44 26 5414' 14 WAirl 241 131 14- 86 53v4k44 WestnPa--- 12 57 11' 39 3634 44 Westrilln 4a1 824 Ail 15 62 1 114 WAIrBr 25'1 24 4 4 41 5 19 1 Watnsli 73 -71 341 298 21'41- 14 WhetiSt1 :18 45'41 Mt 94 4214 4 44 WilsonCo 41 -9'41- 121 33 311 14 Woolvirth 1161 49441- -141 46 4414 44 Wrthngte 191 451 34 50 45341- 20 51144 2 35 2641 14 YnestSZ 541 59 I 44 I 53 M14 44 1- Zen lk ith 79 44 RehfldOil 241 58441- Royal!) 941 671 Safeway 20 14 StloaL 201 38431 StitegisP 681 34121 14 Schenley'-- 41! 2134- 34 dth Iv 75 4 1 Seari SharonS -341 29 1 ShellOil 41 57 2 Simmons 14 381- Sinelair0 28 kelly011 151- 4514 1 45 fi SoconyV 881 47 -1 34 SoCalEd 141 45 14 SouthCo 48 1714 SouthPae 285 46141 SouthRy 45 6516! Vs SperryCp 48 39 I- StdBrds 16 37-1 14 a 13h- 311 i StdOilCal 66 72144 14 54410111nd 111 91441 44 1WOON 711001 StdOil0h 461 41341- 1 Stauffer 81 374 134 SterlDrg 13 43121 34 20 24121- Studbiter 73i 111- StmOil 20i 64341 334 "iunray0 111 19341 SunshMn 31 10161- 14 221 47441 66 SylvElPd -110 42 rennCp St' 7744 'mg's 221 13 reoGifPd 171 85 114 reoGlfS1 1241514 234 reoUtil 161 WA rheroni 19 736 4 Vs nfompPy Si 451414 Mt ridWAO 2141 26 rimittill VP 471 rean'am 643 36 le rrlaW814 iim0132414i4 14 SOI I 411 51121 2 39 'A 79 12 BOMB Bida will be received at the Purchasing Department Room 119 Park Building University of Utah until 9 am November BO 1964-for printed forms as per list and specifications obtainable from the Purchasing Department The right is resereed to accept or reject any or all bids and to waiveani Informality or tachnicalitY in any bid In the interest of the University William Christensen 01421' Purchasing Agent 'First' in Airplane Repair For the first time in history of the Air Force workmen' are repairing plastic rbriar and other plastic covered "blisters" on craft The innovation stems- from research at Hill Air Force Base Ogden Utah 1 That Is NORTH SALT LAKI Nov 9 salable 150 calves 25 Liberal supply 00 stockers and feeders mostly plainer kinds feeder steers 1800 plainer kinds down to 1500 odd lot light choice yearlings brought 1850 cows 100 lower utility' and commercial cows 8 504050 can oars anti cutters 800-780 packaged 'good heifers sold at 1800 utility and commercial bulls brought 13504380 choice veal brought 2000 with bulk good and choice 1700-1900 few utility kinds 1400 and under light supple good and choirs kinds no early action salable 100 Market 125 lower on butchers sows steady I choice No 1 and 2 butchers 190-240 lb brought 13004915 No 3 butchers 240- 200 lb brought 1E30-1900 choice lightvevight sows under 300 lbs sold from 1700800 350450 lb at 1320- 1700 With heavier weights at 1500' down salable 200 Odd lot good and choice trucked-in lambs 17004806 good- used quoted 800 and above-- 00011N Nov 9 (USDA) receipts 700 plus around 1500 carried from Monday Supplies Pr-dominantly stockers and feeders' slaughter offerings mainly cows and heifers Practically no choice steers and halfersi trade slow closing dull with clearance far from complete grass and short-kit-slaughter heifers weak to unevenly lower few loads still unsold beef cows steady to 25 cents -or more lower- ittstanpell 50 fIPPIAI or more off on canners and cutters and some thin stocker and feeder cows --cent- grafts --end short-fed slaughter heifers weak to unevenly lower few loads still unsold beef cows steady to 25 cents or more lower instances 50 cents or more off On canners and cutters and some thin stocker and feeder cows bulls steed to 80 tents lower choice stocker end feeder steers -scarce others weak to 50 cents lower extremes -around 100 lower on intertar and common offerings aim trend applying to replaceMent heifers utility and' commercial slaughter heifers 2504350 few high-commercial 1800 some canner and cutter steers find -heifers 700-950 instances below-700 utility and commercial cowl 8104250- some young cows Iloo and better canners and cutters 500-350: utility and commercial bulls 10004300 canners and cutters 1004000: few good to choke feeder steer 1900-1915 medi- urn and good 1450-1E75 inferior- and common 900-1350 medium to choice replacement heifers 11504580 common esteesEstimated receipts 300 plus few hundred carried from tanker in week slow treaters and slaughter calves' about steady stock calves closing dull with sizable proportion still unsold Isis in dor extremes 50 cents to 100 or more lower on medium and lower grades and some good offerings sharing decline good and choice vealers 1900 utility and commercial treaders and-calves 11804800r geed and-ottotee' stock steer calves 1750-1930 common end medium 11004700 flood and thole heifers' -14004700 tommon and medium 9004350 Some inferior stock calves COO down and gilts moetly 25 cents lower sows scarce untested choice 180-240 lb barrows and gilts 19254975 few choice 1 and I 1985- 2000 choice 270-300 lb 1750-1250 2w2th rusoLtion 141111 tunarg medium 9004350 SOM interior Moen cal 's' COO down ans duelairleets inucletmultste2d5 nolo SOVNEVI ill Inal r0 Ems a a 1 19 254815 few rhettee 1 wid I lb OVER THE COUNTER 1iS1oflowtn Cod and asked Prieel ars obtained Irons ths Utah Securities Dealer quotations committee Thee do not represent actual transactions and Cr tatandad as maid to the range within which these necuritiso could have bees sold fill Indicated ts tha or bought tam ndicatod la the TUESDAY'S QUOTATIONS Industrials and Utilities NstSteal NatSup Nwmn1411 NYStirBr NCent NYCPS14 ligMP Nor14W NoAmAw Noameo NoPediss GRAIN FUTURES CHICAGO Nov 9 Open High Low Close Dec $222 $21412 $2 217a $2 2412' March 2241A 211114 I 2414 May 2214 2231 112114 223 July 310 21134 210 21134 Sept EMS Cgadian e1F1untl? c9 I Bict I Asked '7z i Rii Bei I Cot Mi 1 IP '0A I I 4 "--1 i 1 4 ---e I I a ettlffigrallit 1 i GE 0 -40or---------- 1 1 4 4ti itto 1 I Dec 154 1 38 1 34 135 March 15814 180 1584 IAN May ten IA214 1410 1814 July 183 1614 182 59Pt Lao 158 159 116 (la ts--- Dec 81 83 81 Jr1 March 821 113 8141 6141 May 80 601 8014 July' 7441 784 75 711 NOTICI OP HEARING BEM hi: THE PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION OF -the Matter of the Application of INTERMOUNTAIN TARIFF BUREAU by Decker Agent for end on behalf of participat- ifill carriers who are transporters of ousehold Geode -bY Motor intrastate in Utah for certain bureau JI Notice ia hereby given that the above entitled application of Intermountain Tariff Bureau by Docket Agent will be heard before the Public Service Com Mission of Utah at Its 'Office 314 State CapitoL Salt Lake City-Utahen Tuesday the leth day of November 1954 commencing at 11:00 o'clock am This is an analleation by Integnitionlain Tariff Bureau by Decker Agent for and on behalf of partici Patine carriers who are presently en gaged in the transportation of House hold Goods between points 'and Places' in Utah and who are named in Exhibit attached to application and made I part thereof' requesting the COMittia sloe to: Authorize the amending of Inter mountain Tariff Bureau Household Goods between Tariff No 3 Decker Agent PAX Utah No 5 by Publishing the following 'tariff provision to in connection with the rates as named therein "A charge of 30 cents Per 100 pounds in addition to Abe mutable diskette rate named in this Tariff will be made for loading or Weeding shipments when such service is ten- dered at the specific request of the shipper or by reason of requirements --of the landlord or prevailing laws or ordinances where such loading or us- loading is performed before 1100 am or alter 11100 pm 'Monday- through- Saturday full all OAF Sundays or Holidays- By Order of the Commission Dated at Salt Lake CRY Utah this 31s1 day of October i 1954 A (11-30 Stimetat7 ship- mghts: whim- -such is tsu-1 bitu-ii this 81a8 dm of october 1854yEAmAss A Amalgamated bogey 113500 $2850 Ai) 1175 101214 Tanner Mining 475 1150 Bonneville Limited 1150 700 Independent Coal 41 45 Mountain Fuel Supply 3450 2500 StrevellFaterson Tin 80 85 Utah Fire CISY 20 00 2200 Fire 2250 2450 Western Development 375- 400 ZCMI 8500 5700 lank Pecks Nadia Food is a mutual investinent tompany offering a diVersaled managed Investment in common stocks of corpora Ions selected on the basis of possible' participation in Canada's growth The facts on this mutual fund are tained in I free booklet-prospectus For your copy ask any investmegt dealer or Mail the coupon below to RY -o 1 Se 1111 1 29vs 131 133' 134 131 134 12914 13214 I35va 134 CurtiseW 118 1314 Cutler-Ha 5 57 -84 Dereall 85 1914 Deere 169 3214 31 90 DetEdis 11 3314 Diam7M 24 15 DianaStr 3 1214 Domed 9 11514 Doustair 31 886e1- DowChm' 130- 416i1 118 15114 5' 57 14 85 14 169 32 31 PO 11 33 24 15 3 1214 9 18 31 88401- 14 130- 411 March 110 May 112 J91Y 1314 Soyba Nov 283 Jan 285VA March May BUM July 285 20p1 280 May July Sant Continental Bank 2100 2175 First Security corP---1 2910 3110 Tint National 13000 U1a11 Savings i26000 27500 ValleYState 1 2500 1 2600 Valley Nat'l (Phoenix) 2687121 27674 Walker Bank 110800 111200 Zion's Sayings --116700-7117100 Oils I I 1 2 874 2 894 4 29244 2 119 2113 71(1 2 00 234 285 1 81 28714 28844 24814 88 18514 288 250 1101A1 i4 ik CALVIN 3 -n BULLOCK T41 Isoblwia im Mate motd one I kw bookiel-PrOSPOCM 1H ai Ill 01 111 -ell 1 4 I "Jdoest tim-mal ass If Teta otock saleit Tuesday 3340000 1154 to 4ate-4409804004 499891161 INVESTMENT- FIRMS IN' 30 -100 -10 1 New York Bond Market 11 034 00 150 Jis Kier Vs ilty 20 Equity Oil 11024 English Oil-- AO Justhelm'Petmleurs '1-n00 Morgan Gag Is Oil 0241 Oil Inc 025 ThrenStates Natural 000 VIA e41lie Utsi southerfin-inikoken ee a Mg Royalty 225 Seneca Oil 110 Nam 1 1111ress IA 585 tys 180 4 Melo At ittio I At greedy's! 885 it ii 47 81 I keedhlisidoter slimed I Iti 16(1 TUISDAY'S QUOTATIONS 373 130 1 'choir 175418W1 'g' l' '114 S': iA''''fflii'offett113Ili swift r4irsH URANIUM STOCKS Now Uranium Manual end Rupert en Ake en Request 1 itilti41411)141 3 I tiLlt) is-p-ort--n-Alc-a-squiii ii' news in mung--14-irmar1-t1nwom7 amu n-tomel v-ng eates in 1u004 itac1291 UAL AmailtPw 191 744 12 54 99124 do 50 10012012 12 ATT 346 431354 V4 CmwthE 5110112I 44 do 401 120115 I 1 do 3120 504334 12 DeareCo 1011014 NYCnt 5a 81 824 34 I do 24 1 4 4a 72794 14 DIGW 444 3101 -I 121 NYNHAli 15 111 14 14 ATTSF 4122 in DowCh 310 511054 44 36 -r---- 1102344 12 40 4 102 Erie 4 22 77144 44 PhillinsP 40112121- 12 'do' 50 7 54 9012 04 -14' GcnMtra' los 103-14 -Lt St181 444 -31' 92 4- 44 do 00 -151004 do Co 54 MA 30'109 do 4141 551 78 iniandS11 441134 SoPac 4 6 105 IlletnEtt SI IniGn 37 894 144 Or 4 2040612 12 CanPac 11i107 12 do Istas 37132 StdOilind 51I11114I- 34 CMSP 412 131 774 12 MKT 46 1 99 44 liPar MOW- 14 irv 410 5 453161 MoP 51214 143305124 4 WnSU ev lollop 1 6 te N7511911 61 151 67 ter 34 -r-- 1'102121 94 PhillipsP 40 1121- LI StLfill 444 71' 92114'-- 30100 4 SoPso 4 6105 12 114 Or 4 14 20106 34 Std011ind Olillluik 14 to liPse 214s Mii11- 12 WitS11 pi 201100 le Ili lanai Chi 20121 12 15 I 8212 34 Si lr 14 L02121 Ms il2121- 12 L09 tO5M 12 Loe24 tit 11112k SOW- 14 L09 1 12 d--- 4100vvv- ectaido I 1 Affiliated Fund Intl 11141 Am Business 5aros 442 Axe-Houghton A 10 07 Boston Fund 2814 Canadian Fund Inc 14541 Comwith Invest 1103 Dividend Shams 221 Eaton 411 Howard fill 1873 Eaton di Howard Sta 1610 Fidelity Fund 2344 Mel Ind Fund 313 Fundamental 1272 'neon) lava 137 Keystone F13-1 2723 do- F-11-2 2331 do F3-2 1042 do F-B-4 do F-111 1691 do IF-K2 1011 F-8-1 1367 do If-S2 1033 do F-S 10 MI do- 794 InvIstTr 25119 Mane Invest Growth 51k2292 Mutual inv Fund 0 800 NationWid Bal Fd 1751 14 Son Pfti 6111 Leek ILA do Income 684 -do 1443 Putnam (Goo) Fund 2254 1105 Talon di Howard Skit 1610 Fidelity Fund 2344 Fool Ind Fund 313 Inv ot 'Fundamental 'Inv 1272 Incorp love 1307 Keystone FI3-I 2723 do F-81 2531 do or-B1 1040 do F-11-41 do F-K-1 1091 ddo6 Irlir-S-K1-1' 139711 do 17-S1 1033 do PR 10 60 om 7'r 5 F4l4------------ 289 age Invest Growth Stit'2292 Mutual Inv Fund 4 8 00 tionWide Da Ird 175 41 Soo P41 Stli Series 839 do Income 684 -do Stock ------r-- 1443 Putnam (Goo) Fund 2254 Affiliate Am Btu AaaHot Boston Canadia Come hi Dividam Eaton 4 Eaton I Fidelity lenel Jr st tundani Ron do- do 1r do do I th ir do do IP Maw li Masa Ir Mutual Nation 14 Sae do to -do 54 Putnam 010nbilt IA 4Ittkat tat-- )itpv iJ) 4mt Ei tdencolc 1571 73 43 2001 1721 2144 343 8110 2542 2761 1119 1200 2064 1103 le 84 1116 1166 1107 2719 2471 644 1164 917 726 1577 2437 121 1721 514 343 194 11110 2843 2761 111-19 0 2004 151(13114 1138 1166 2 7RI" 99 470 8 44 1884 17 726 1577 2437 1578 1)73 3104? Total NY bond Slit TUIPdaYo 114710000 1954 to dal ST70291390 58 to dal ST70297380 380 In tigvntotts1 IWO I SALT -4-44- Woolson Soh Loh Stock liscloonto IMPORTS AVAILAILI ON THI FOLLOWING PRODUCING COMPANIES (Maio chock stnclo on Width fell desire Infonnottan) Unlisted (otoostleal) I Ild I Asked' I Unlisted (ownahool) 1 'Old I Asked 1 shwa Stehle tit 011k --02111- Va 01104 OS Interstate Ursa 0311 0414 Consolidated UP 110 120 Uranium hot 44 50 Vandard Ursa 13714 130 Wide Uranium JO AS Adoloy Valloy 'j011 JO 30 121 tiewlsousi SLDO SALT LAK (noose trees rocs OP VM14111 yvv Irmo op Unlisted (otoonteal) Sid I Asked I Unlisted (nendael) 1 Sid I Wooden States tit Al Utah Vet 0 AU 14 1 interstate Urea 0391 0414 Consolidated 11F 110 UteniUgn INC 44 50 Vandard Urea 13714 Wide Uranium J9 AS 4shloy Je ATETAL PRICES EW YORK Nov otoi FETAL PRICES 'ORK Nov (API-Soot noO A -Snot non 4 1 i Phone 13871 Approx4MA lAskod AOMil'Al Alto 01121 Apache 514 1 SO Arrow 11111Ail Attire Resettle lack Jock I ow Knot Cornoncho Civorok Ut Comstock Comm Consol Lisbon 1 Orson River 09 I 10 01141)- 62 HiI hi II AI 012 3 AS 16 00 111 01 110 130 Al At Vs 09 10 14 11 Inter Mtn interstate Jelly jock Kanab Ka Malt King Midas Lisbon Lavender Midiang Mohawk Mt Velley Olympia eterinder Pleneer Addired1 Sid iAsitild 01 014 04 04 Va 14 26 112 Alms Al Al VI 014S Ai 100 111 rve AS AS 14 01 VI Al Yt 43 Alt4 01 AI kt Ai AS 31 JP Appribm44-1 Bid lAskod Segal Seagull Silver Sick SUN Tout Um' 'Mt Theme Week Uran Corp Wan Inc Ureo king Utah Wan Set Walton Woof St 11034 2414 01 t4 21 1111k 21 2021 22 All 44 AIM 0244 24 21 21 12 I1 112 24 41 21 41 3 22 81 11114- es a212 I At 2114 0214 43 11 Omen River' I4 111 Ititereen I 01Val 01401 Vane Ur I 02441 03 il imperial 1 AI 02140 Ramie lie 09111 04 I 'rel Cat I AVM 164121 CII0 lEtt 111130KERAGE- CO' Suits No 4 39 Ix IT Stock Ex 114 Utah 9 -7717 4 Seagull It --H i APO ros1111-1 Bid lAskod Apisres00-a Bid lAsitod Apprcep-p Bid Askillt 1 4 i 4 00141'01 34 Inter 94344 11 Al oval AV 0434 Absarke Alto 01121 AI interstate 94 0411 8144 1 phon 1 Apache Arrow 05 141 Jolly JeCii 24 20 Silo? lick 1912 11 is---------- El -1011 1134 Kan 12 All Sun 121 18 Anis ll AO kalliab i ll 111341 2 0 I'd 1 -33871 Atk A ikimial king Midis 81 To AI Al 7osa AI mos 'Mt 512 04 A l' 11 4-illt '---------1- zit '134 trbcRv- 11:81115 11: 1'7' 118 118 12 in AS 06 Bran 14 Corp Al Clurk thi AS 1312 Mohawk 0112 Al Oran Inc 44 01 Coranch AI 01 Mdiod 4t- Comstock 116 01 A34 Posts 0212 13 Uran King 05 'Ast' 4 iffZ12 cmt Alva A1 vlioi AlW 'A112- tilohtterr Atit AS Consol 116 120 Olympic 01 Al SM- Al 111 Lisbon Al 1212 Pothfindor 071 AS Woliors 82 '1211 Eltkirc 25 211 Wove St Al A 7 CO 11199r -1: 01 AI Yank Ur Alto Al imperial AI 1212 Republic I 0511 64 Yol Eat 0312 041 mo 0- eit0 1E11--11130KEIIAGE---tOt'L 6 Suits No 4 39 IL I- Stock EL itld3 Co tah 9-7717 90 -III 09 0 77 7A 7 7 77 1 7 7 7 A 7 7 77 -10 Pqcsa" itrath SA Ob aft-L4 0-- 921oy i 1 16 ea 12111 10 1 IS IS 1 14 i' 412' I7 i cnicAGb New Non No I yellow I51 No 3 yellow541149 No 4 147414312a No 5 sampler -grade yellow 1-2412 Osamu Sample strodworbitt Darter thole 331- 1531 teed 110-1-23 isa teed ferrous metal prices luoiedart Croinbar 30 rents a pound Connecticut Vs noir Load 10 cents a pound New York Zinc 114 cents a pound Soot St Louis Tilt Nook Settlement prlcii Coppe 197 silver Reit lament pries: Carvell 117 silver a pound Connecticut ValleNe notal prices Inoadopt Cop000 ents a pound New York Eine I 6 Poland Fast St Lellia Ti I AL 'Oland Noll 9111------- mit 2 97 silver Yr 'Conner ut Valley fork Zinc Louis Tin 191 silver IPlime IWgilington rung 12311 i4J8 lead 111 Diversified Igaeat 112 ilillinttell t'und 23 111 los lead Id iDiversilld limed I 132 Welling Diversil I Mdial 000 oo 11 d60wAin4a-Maft-OAOP1-MAIN4 A--efft4aAIRA-A0460 4tigiAS.

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Author: Tuan Roob DDS

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Author information

Name: Tuan Roob DDS

Birthday: 1999-11-20

Address: Suite 592 642 Pfannerstill Island, South Keila, LA 74970-3076

Phone: +9617721773649

Job: Marketing Producer

Hobby: Skydiving, Flag Football, Knitting, Running, Lego building, Hunting, Juggling

Introduction: My name is Tuan Roob DDS, I am a friendly, good, energetic, faithful, fantastic, gentle, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.